The release of your own album is an important step for an aspiring musical group. Now people will learn about your work not only at live performances. With the right approach, the audience will increase, and the geography of the audience will expand. As for the profit, it is hardly worth expecting something serious from the sale of the albums themselves. Drawing attention to your band may allow you to sell more concert tickets.

Step 1
Start with planning and preparation. The technical aspects like where it was recorded and how it was distributed are certainly important, but remember that an album will only be in demand if you compose it correctly. An album is not just a collection of songs that your band has. All tracks should be united by a certain theme, be in their places, sound and performance should indicate your individual style. You have to imagine for whom and why you are playing, what you want to achieve thanks to the release of the album. If all of the above conditions are met, then you can proceed to the next steps.
Step 2
Select where to record the album. There are several options here, and they depend on your financial capabilities. Perhaps the most serious option is to create an album in a professional recording studio. Of the pluses here we can note - high quality, of the minuses - a significant cost. You can record vocals yourself, find an arranger and sound engineer on the Internet and entrust the mixing to professionals.
Be sure to pay attention to the specialist's portfolio. If the search is successful, then the quality of the album can be as in the studio, but for a more acceptable price. It is also possible to create an album yourself if you have a good home recording studio and the certain skills to make the recording and arrangement quality.
Step 3
Create a cover. This is another important step in the release of the album. You can purchase a special design both from a professional artist and on specialized sites. The work of a good graphics specialist will cost you about $ 500. On the Internet on sites you can find interesting images that are not burdened by patents.
Step 4
Organize publishing and sales. Determine the number of discs you need and order from a music publishing company. The release of discs in the required quality will also be mastered by a small company specializing in printing. As for sales, here you can contact the distributor (he will keep 30-40% of the profit for himself). It is also worth discussing the terms with companies selling music discs in the virtual space -,,