The star of musicals, the fabulous Judy Garland conquered the hearts of Americans with her voice and acting skills, but became a hostage of the film industry. Her bright and eventful life remained in the memory of fans for a long time.

Judy Garland, nee, was born on June 10, 1922, into a family of itinerant actors. Her family just moved to Grand Rapids, Minnesota to start their own theater. Parents often gave concerts with their two older daughters, so the baby's further path was obvious.
When Judy was 4 years old, her parents moved to California and opened a new cinema where she performed with the sisters before the films began. She graduated from two schools - Hollywood High and High in Los Angeles. The teachers admired the young talent and always helped with their studies. However, the baby dreamed of childhood, which she did not see due to constant performances.

All the work of the actress can be divided into several main periods. Each of which brought new awards and fan recognition. She conquered peak after peak, remaining hostage to the image of a little girl.
First, touring and concerts with the sisters in the group, which began almost at the age of four and lasted until 1935. In parallel with the performances, they study dance at school, participate in Christmas performances and star in the first film, The Big Revue. The trio broke up after the marriage of the older sister and her departure to another state.

Then her mother Ethel made a big contribution to her creativity, seeing the love and attention of the public to the angel. She often took girls to various auditions, arranged castings for them, tried to attract more and more attention to the children. In 1935, she brought the sisters to screen tests at the Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer (MGM) studio, but the contract was signed only with her youngest daughter, Ethel. There the girl got her stage name.
Three years later, she got the most important role in the fairy tale . A sixteen-year-old girl was supposed to play little Dorothy. For reincarnation, the plumpness of the actress and the chest interfered. She brings herself into shape in a short time. He sits on medications for weight loss, hides his chest under bandages and gets used to the image of a fairy-tale girl. The debut was a success, but Judy became addicted to amphetamines and could not get rid of the addiction until the last days of her life.

This was the most eventful period of his creative career. She worked a lot, practically worn out, since the prescribed clauses of the contract did not allow long rest or a hearty meal. Enthusiastic about work, stuffed with drugs and under constant supervision, the actress did not notice fatigue, she walked forward.
Then there was the legendary concert at Carnegie Hall, where only Judy reigned. Her divine voice mesmerized the audience. She was recovering from a long illness and was eager to work hard. New shooting, concerts, returning to the stage did not bring a feeling of satisfaction. Constant stress and illness began. The woman was increasingly seen by psychiatrists. The pills that the actress was stuffed with caused side effects. The company that made her famous took away her sense of freedom and privacy.
Personal life of the actress
During her life, Judy was married five times and each time she dreamed of happiness. She entered into her first union at the age of 19 with the famous musician David Rose, but the marriage lasted only three years. This was the most difficult and unsuccessful marriage, since due to the contract with the film studio she had to have an abortion. Judy was worried about what had happened, but she could not fix anything.
The second time she married in 1945, the famous theater and film director Vincent Minnelli, and a year later, her daughter Lisa was born, who later became as popular as her mother. However, the couple did not have a happy family life and in 1951 they divorced.

A year after the collapse of her second marriage, Judy is trying to find happiness with the magnificent producer Sidney Laft. They signed in 1952, and Garland gave him two children - daughter Lorna (1952) and son Joey (1955). After living for thirteen years, they divorced.

From 1965 to 1966, the actress was married to Mark Heron. She was constantly on edge and did not understand the meaning of their relationship. Then her illness and addiction to drugs already affected.
The last fifth marriage to Mickey Deans lasted only three months, from March to June 1969.

Judy Garland passed away in London on June 22, 1969. According to legend, she herself predicted the date of her death, tearing off a sheet of the calendar during the filming of the film in 1950. And on the day of her death, a hurricane swept over Kansas. The causes of death were often exaggerated, with different versions given: from a heart attack to an overdose of sleeping pills. But this did not darken the love for the popular actress.
Interesting Facts
At the age of 13, Judy is signed by the largest film company in America. This was an isolated case when the actress did not pass the screen test.
The middle daughter, Lorna, dedicated many books to her mother, one of which was filmed and the actress who played the role of Judy Garland was awarded an Emmy.

The queen of the musical starred in 100 films, released dozens of songbooks and was recognized as the most beautiful woman in Hollywood. She has more than a thousand concerts on her account.
The actress has two stars on the Walk of Fame, handprints at the Grauman Theater and two postage stamps with her image. Also has many awards in different nominations and awards "Grammy", BAFTA and "Golden Globe".

In 2010, Madame Tussauds exhibited her wax figure, which is timed to coincide with her birthday.