How To Determine The Character Of A Person By Signature

How To Determine The Character Of A Person By Signature
How To Determine The Character Of A Person By Signature

A person's signature is unique and serves as a personal identifier in the design of all kinds of official documents. Psychologists and graphologists argue that a signature can tell about a person's character and even mood. You can determine the character of a person by signature, knowing some of the nuances.

signature and character
signature and character

Determining the character by the signature of a person, first of all, you should pay attention to the pressure of the handwriting. Strong pressure with bold letters indicates internal tension, a tendency to perfectionism, focus on attracting attention. Such a person loves praise and publicity, is an extrovert and has willpower.

Weak handwriting pressure indicates a shy and driven person, prone to self-doubt and excessive self-criticism. The motto of a person with such a signature is “do not stand out from the crowd”.

The direction of the handwriting will help to find out the mood of a person by signature. If the letters or loops at the end of the signature stretch upward, this indicates an elated mood, an optimistic outlook on life, a desire to plan and succeed.


The omitted right corner of the signature will tell about some depression, conservatism. Such a person is afraid of innovations and has a hard time experiencing his own failures.

Various curls and patterns in the signature give off an extraordinary nature. People who like to decorate their signature with various elements are characterized by fantasy, romantic character, a tendency to boast and playfulness.


An underlined signature betrays self-esteem and vanity. By underscoring, a person subconsciously separates himself from the rest, emphasizing his individuality. The upper line is a kind of bar to which the author of the signature seeks, and at the same time it is protection from the outside world.

The crossed-out signature describes a nervous person who denies his true self. People with a crossed-out signature are suspicious, secretive, prefer solitude and do not tolerate public criticism.


The full spelling of the name or surname emphasizes the harmony of a person, order in thoughts, while torn chaotic lines without indicating initials hint at a chaotic and impulsive character.

An unadorned signature (straight and clear) speaks of a love of specifics. Such people have logical thinking and reason in essence, without embellishment. They are honest and open, real fighters for justice, for which they often receive blows from fate.

Stress resistance can also be determined by the signature. The signature with breaks and spaces leaves flexible people able to adapt to any situation.

An unbreakable signature with tightly attached letters indicates a person who is afraid of a sharp change in the intended plan and is lost if something goes wrong. Such people most often live according to a pre-prepared scenario, where everything has a relationship and a clear sequence. But in family relationships, they are reliable and loyal personalities.

An element such as a dot in the signature will help to determine the character by a person's signature. The dot at the beginning of the signature is put by people with a quick reaction, who need constant collection and updating of information. They are always aware of all events and are the first to come to the rescue.


The dot at the end of the signature speaks of a disciplined person, prone to hard work and analysis of the work done. The ability to analyze also gives out the so-called "return", when a person, after the last letter, draws a bend-return to the first letter of the signature.

In general, the size of the letters of the signature should also be noted. The sweeping handwriting and the abundance of capital letters testify to a person with a wide soul, who loves company and communication. The smaller the letters in the signature, the more rational the person is.

Sharp lines and corners will tell about moodiness and irascibility. People with such a signature are demanding not only of themselves, but also of those around them, they do not know how to forgive other people's mistakes. Soft and rounded letters, on the contrary, speak of kindness, sincerity, sensitivity and vulnerability.


When determining the character by a person's signature, it is also worth remembering that age-related changes, physical and mental state, and various situations affect handwriting. For example, when a person signs a document in a hurry, then the signature will be dancing, sharp, therefore, there may be errors in interpretation. If you want to know the character of a person by signature, ask him to sign in a calm atmosphere.
