Growing petunia seedlings in one container, you have to resort to transplanting seedlings in order to provide them with a feeding area and proper growth. Is it dangerous for petunia seedlings?

For flower growers who grow seedlings in separate pots or peat (coconut) tablets, the easiest way is to work with petunias. The seedlings only need to be transferred into larger pots. It is more difficult for those who raise her in a "hostel" in a thickened form. By the time of the dive, the seedlings become different in size and the "upstarts" crush the most "shy" ones. So where do you start?
We prepare nutritious soil. It is better that it be the same as for sowing petunia seeds: nutritious, moisture-consuming, disinfected from diseases and sifted. Professional flower growers start diving petunias when the first or second true leaf appears.
But if there is not much experience in growing petunias and diving, then it is better to hold this event when the petunias reveal 3-4 leaves. These seedlings have stronger roots and the transplant will be more successful.
A container with seedlings is spilled on the eve of transplantation so that a lump with roots does not fall apart.

They start with the outer seedlings growing closer to the walls of the container. Finish with plants growing in the center of the container. Someone is armed with a teaspoon, someone is using another improvised object.

The bottom line is to successfully capture the root ball and prevent it from crumbling. If this happened, it doesn't matter. Petunias are actively recovering. The seedling is transferred into a prepared pot with soil and the soil is poured up to the cotyledon leaves.

It is not necessary to deepen the root collar much, petunias are very susceptible to breaking and damage to delicate leaves and stems at this age.
After the pick, the petunias are watered, but a little. This is done so that the water displaces air from the soil and the soil presses the roots. It is useful to add one of the stimulating substances to the irrigation water: epin, or humate, or energetic. Some advise watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. For several days, the transplanted petunias are kept in partial shade so that rooting begins. Then, when the plants have perked up, they are exposed to the light.
Council. When picking (transshipment) of petunias, do not take pots "for growth" that are too large in volume. Otherwise, the plants may stop growing, get sick from acidification of the soil.
Before planting seedlings in the ground or pots, petunias must be transplanted several times from a small container to a more spacious one. This technique makes it possible to form a powerful root system, which will then have a beneficial effect on abundant flowering.