On the pre-holiday days, parents begin to think about which carnival costume to buy for their child. With a massive seasonal influx of customers, it is difficult to choose something original in the store. If you have not had time to buy an unusual costume and do not want to purchase one that will be on every second child, sew it yourself. For inspiration, you can reread old Russian fairy tales and create an outfit for one of the traditional heroes - for example, a rooster.

Step 1
Use a white T-shirt for the base of the top of your suit. Complete it with a combed hood. Make a rectangle pattern by measuring the height from shoulder to crown and adding 10 cm to the result.
Step 2
Draw a 7 cm pattern for the scallop. Its length should be equal to the length of the top seam of the hood. Divide the pattern into equal 3 cm long pieces and inscribe the wavy parts of the scallop in them.
Step 3
Transfer the patterns to the fabric. To keep the comb stiff enough, sew cardboard of the same shape into it. Join the decorative section with the hood as you sew on the top section.
Step 4
An essential element of a rooster costume is wings. You will need a white cloth to make them. Measure from your shoulder to your fingertips. Draw the same line on the pattern paper. Then measure the distance from your shoulder to your waistline. Draw the same line perpendicular to the first line. From its opposite edge, set aside a perpendicular equal to the width of the brush. Duplicate this pattern on 4 pieces of fabric.
Step 5
Sew them around the perimeter and insert the same parts from whatman paper inside to fix the shape. Complete each wing with a thumb loop. To depict feathers, sew on oval pieces of felt or embroider the same shape with woolen threads. Insert the wing sleeves into the side seams of the shirt.
Step 6
Sew the tail using the same principle. Cut out feathers of different widths from felt of blue, red, green colors, stuff them with synthetic fluff and insert into each wire frame. Then collect the feathers in a "bun" and sweep over the pants of the suit.
Step 7
You will need a beak to complete the look. It can be made from papier-mâché. Sculpt the top half out of sculpted plasticine, place the inner side on the nose of the person who will be wearing the costume. Deepen and expand the resulting notch with your fingers. Cover the blank with 7 layers of pieces of paper, alternately wetting them with water and PVA glue. After about a day, the mask will dry out, it can be painted with gouache or acrylic.