Polina Filonenko is a young Russian actress who has appeared in more than 50 films during her 10-year film career. Her common-law husband Andrei is a process engineer by education and a manager of an automobile company in life.

Polina's biography
Polina was born in 1986 in Leningrad in a family of ordinary Leningrad workers. According to the recollections of her parents, the girl was named after the famous Spanish-French singer Pauline Viardot.
She attended a comprehensive school. At school she was a very artistic, but also a very hooligan girl. In the lower grades, she often skipped lessons, or even disrupted them, did her homework carelessly.

In high school, like many of her friends, she often disappeared at discos, which made her studies very lame.
At the age of 9, she began going to the theater department of the Okhta Center for Humanitarian and Aesthetic Education. In this center, she received her first acting education, having studied there for 7 years. At first she studied at a paid department, but then managed to switch to a budgetary one.
After leaving school in 2003, she entered the theater institute, which she graduated in 2007. At first, Polina was going to enter some Moscow theater university, but having fallen in love with a boy, she decided to get an education in her hometown at the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts. But, unable to pass the exam, she entered the less prestigious School of Russian Drama.
Polina's elder brother Roman followed in the footsteps of her parents and works with them at the same plant. Roman is 4 years older than Polina and has a higher education with a degree in power engineering.
First love came to Polina in the 10th grade of the school. Then she fell head over heels in love with a young man who hardly noticed her. Out of despair, the future actress even tried to open her veins. But not in order to commit suicide, but in order to attract the attention of the beloved.
In her student years, the future actress managed to try herself in all university productions, in all the main roles. In the fourth year, she even took part in the filming of the extreme sports TV show "Cruel Intentions".
Polina began acting in films when she was in her fifth year at Lenfilm University. And she was immediately busy on the set of two different films: "Crime and Punishment" and "Yar". In "Crime and Punishment" she played one of the main female roles - Sonya Marmeladova.
After that, she was often invited to shoot in various projects. Polina immediately refused roles in television series, preferring roles in full-length author's films. Although later she still played some roles in the series.
In 2008, for the role of Yekaterina Kapitonova in the film "Everyone will die, but I will stay" by Valeria Gai Germanica Polina Filonenko was awarded the Best Actress Award at the European Film Festival in Brussels. Then, in Switzerland, in the company of Olga Shuvalova and Agnia Kuznetsova, Polina received prizes for the best female roles.
In total, during her film career, Polina starred in more than 50 films, took part in dubbing American and French films. All her heroines are women with a difficult fate and difficult relationships with others, fragile and defenseless, who are constantly being broken by life.
In addition to working in films, Polina took part in photo shoots for glamorous magazines.
Pauline's husband
With her husband Andrey Polina has been living in a civil marriage for more than 10 years. According to the spouses, they have a very happy marriage, despite the fact that Polina is constantly loaded with filming and the spouses rarely see each other.
Polina met her future chosen one as a child. Andrey is the best friend of Polina's brother Roman. During her school years, he did not arouse any interest in her, but over time she appreciated his best qualities - loyalty, reliability and caring. And she realized that she could not find a better husband.

During his school years, Andrei was also not interested in Polina, considering her a "little girl". In addition, Andrei by nature was silent and boring, and this repulsed Polina.
According to Polina's confessions, at school she was a very emotional girl and in relations with boys she maintained a certain drama and intensity of passions. Over time, becoming a certified actress, she learned to control her emotions, giving them free rein only during the execution of the next role.
According to Andrei, Polina proved to be a very jealous wife and still regularly checks her husband's phone, SMS messages and contacts in social networks for his communication with strangers. At first it made him angry, but over time he got used to the status quo.

Polina, due to her workload, almost does not do housework and does not cook well. Therefore, the husband took upon himself all household, financial and organizational concerns. Polina decides only on the issues of recreation and entertainment.
Like many actresses, she carefully monitors her appearance and does not allow herself to gain extra pounds. She loves to visit beauty salons and spa treatments, follows diets. With a height of about 160 cm, she weighs 49 kg. Andrey is happy to keep her company, visiting the gym.
The young do not seek to legitimize their relationship. They have been together for more than 10 years, and have known each other since childhood, so both believe that the stamp in the passport will not change anything. Although Polina would not refuse a magnificent wedding with a gorgeous wedding dress.
Polina's children
Polina and Andrey have no children yet. Most likely, this is due to the fact that both are trying to build their careers, leaving the birth of heirs for later. According to the assurances of the spouses, they are not at all against children, especially since Andrei has shown himself to be a good father and head of the family, but so far they enjoy parties and friendly gatherings in a sauna or an entertainment club with pleasure.