How And How Much Stas Starovoitov Earns

How And How Much Stas Starovoitov Earns
How And How Much Stas Starovoitov Earns

Stas Starovoitov is rightfully considered the pioneer of a relatively new humorous stand-up genre. Of those who want to watch his concerts, a queue is lined up at the ticket offices, programs on TV with his participation are gaining the highest ratings. How much does Stas Starovoitov earn from his comedic talent?

How and how much Stas Starovoitov earns
How and how much Stas Starovoitov earns

Starovoitov Stas is called a "family comedian" for his favorite topic - about his wife, mother-in-law, daughter. And everyone is interested - is he inventing his monologues or is he talking about what is really happening in his personal life? Who is he and where is he from? How much does one of the country's top comedians make? What is your hobby and where does he live now?

Who is Stas Starovoitov - biography and career

Stas was born in October 1982 in a small village in the Tomsk region. The father left the family when the boy was still very young, his mother, grandmother and grandfather were engaged in his upbringing.

As a child, Stas was a chubby boy, and his mother had to literally force him to dance, and under her leadership, she was a choreographer. Gradually the boy got involved, he was even going to enter the choreographic school, but at the last moment he changed his mind and handed over his documents to the "polytechnic" in Tomsk. After graduating from college, the young man entered the university in the same direction, but in his second year he realized that he was not a techie, but an artist.


The career of the future comedian Stas Starovoitov began with playing KVN, but the scope of the project seemed rather narrow to him, he left the stage, tried to write jokes, scripts for teams, but even there he “did not find himself”.

In 2007 Starovoitov moved to Krasnoyarsk. There he became a resident of the regional Comedy Club. But this professional niche brought in minimal income. Stas had to earn money as a copywriter in a small PR agency. And one day he realized that he had to get higher. A happy ticket to a successful career for Starovoitov was his acquaintance with the capital's producer Bely Ruslan.

Stand up

Stas Starovoitov's solo performances as a stand-up comedian started in 2009. He drew inspiration from the recordings of the performances of American "colleagues" - Martin Lawrence, Eddie Murphy, George Carlin. It was these solo numbers of Stas that the producer Roman Bely saw once.

In 2012, Starovoitov finally moved to the capital, became a member of the Stand Up TV show, and already in 2014 formalized his activity as an individual business. Stas's colleagues accepted his position to work solo.


Gradually, the scope of Starovoitov's humor expanded, new directions appeared in his speeches that did not concern the family, but the style did not change. Stas's numbers are more like reasoning than monologues. They are devoid of clichés, they are not based on a script. This is a dialogue with the viewer, and, according to critics, it was this approach to "business" that allowed Starovoitov to become one of the most successful stand-up comedians.

How much does he earn

The comedian's income is TV appearances, solo performances, private events. Fee for reading monologues at corporate parties, personal events (anniversaries, weddings) - from 350,000 rubles and more. In addition to the main fee, the customer pays for travel, accommodation, meals for the artist. Rider Starovoitova, according to clients, is much more modest than other representatives of Russian show business.


Despite his rather high income, Stas is sure that in Russia the industry of humor in any of its formats is not formed, it is simply absent. American colleagues of Russian stand-up artists earn an order of magnitude higher than their Russian counterparts, but their jokes are much more vulgar. Starovoitov believes that the niche needs to be worked out, and is ready to take the liberty of doing this. Many people take such words for self-confidence and the beginning of "star fever", but the comedian disagrees.

Stas is quite harsh in his discussions about other areas of Russian art."To smithereens," he smashed Buzova's writing, with pleasure discussing, and not in a positive way, the work of some of his colleagues in the comedy genre. Fans can read his reasoning about this plan in Starovoitov's blogs on the Internet. By the way, this area of activity also brings the comedian income.

Family of Stas Starovoitov

At the very beginning of his career, the comedian said that he had two wives - the real one and the one he talks about in his monologues. The words became prophetic - Stas divorced his first wife.

The first wife of the stand-up artist was Marina Mamatova. Starovoitov met her in Tomsk in 2009. The couple formalized their marriage a year later. Soon after the wedding, the newlyweds had a daughter, Mashenka. But in 2016, the family fell apart. The reason was trivial - Stas had another woman.


To questions about the new darling, Starovoitov is reluctant to speak even now, but she, makeup artist Irina Kryuchkova, is more frank with journalists. She easily answers personal questions, shares what is happening in their personal life, does not hide that they are insanely happy together.

Stas and Irina already have a common child - a son, Ilya. But Starovoitov does not disregard the daughter from his first marriage, and the new girlfriend does not interfere with their communication, like his ex-wife.

Fans can see the photo of Stas Starovoitov with children, his young wife on his page in one of the popular social networks. The comedian willingly shares pictures from performances and from his personal life.
