A detective story is a genre of fiction, a characteristic feature of which is a plot based on the solution of a certain riddle. In most detectives, the identity of the person who committed the crime becomes a mystery, and most of these crimes are murder. Therefore, the most popular heroes of detectives are private detectives, police commissioners, amateur detectives. Famous authors of detective stories: A. K. Doyle, A. Christie, I. Khmelevskaya, S. Japrizo and others. Plays and films based on these books are also called detectives.

Step 1
Read detective novels. Analyze the structure of books, the characters of the characters. Pay attention to the author's style and the relationship between cues, interior descriptions, and actions. It is also useful to read literary works devoted to writing detective stories.
Step 2
Collect impressions. Personal experience is the main source of inspiration. Even if your riddle comes from another galaxy, the logic of events and actions should be clear to your future readers.
Step 3
Write down all ideas and thoughts in a special notebook. Try to write down each thought on a new sheet, preferably in approximately the order in which you arrange the events and plot. Do not aim at a large form right away. Start with stories that can span a maximum of ten printed pages.
Step 4
Write one printed page of text every day (about 4,000 characters without spaces). If you want to write more, don't limit yourself. If you feel like writing less, overpower yourself and write. The next day, re-read everything you have written and mercilessly cut out what seems superfluous. Add what you need, change phrases and words.
Step 5
For the lucky ones who have a literary gift, the preparatory stage can take up to six months, and the actual recording of the work takes about a week. The first experience can vary significantly in terms of timing. Be willing to work hard for a long time.
Step 6
As you work on your detective story, read the newly written chapters to friends you trust. Listen to their opinion, correct the shortcomings that they notice. In general, try to look at your work through the eyes of the reader often.