Where To Find A Summary Of The Movie "Twilight. New Moon"

Where To Find A Summary Of The Movie "Twilight. New Moon"
Where To Find A Summary Of The Movie "Twilight. New Moon"

Serials have a serious drawback: it is almost impossible for an ordinary viewer to get involved in the action "from the middle". So, for example, a person who "for the company" with friends gets on the next part of the most popular franchise "Twilight", simply does not understand the essence of the events: and in this case, only "a summary of the previous series" can help out.

Where to find a summary of the film
Where to find a summary of the film

See wiki encyclopedias such as Wikipedia, Lurkmore, Encyclopedia Dramatica, or similar. On these portals, information is formed directly by users, and therefore each page is formed and verified by a dozen people. For the "Twilight" series you can find a description of the plot of all parts of the film and the characteristics of the main characters.

Find a summary of the related book. Stephenie Meyer's manuscript has sold millions of copies worldwide, and it would be strange for producers to change anything in the original text. The film is almost completely consistent with the literary source, and therefore, having read the retelling of the latter instead of watching a movie, you will not lose anything.

Take advantage of the fan forums. On them you can find more “author's” concise contents created by specific people - with all the inherent advantages (integrity, literacy of the text) and disadvantages (subjectivity).

Check out the work of YouTube users. There are many reviews on the films of the Twilight series, including the part "New Moon", both serious and comic. The undoubted advantage of searching for video reviews is that the retelling events will be supported by footage from the film, and therefore are perceived much more easily. For example, a very successful example of "short summary" is the show "Check it out in two minutes", in which it takes exactly the amount of time specified in the title to retell the plot of the film.

Read the criticism. The plot is far from the strongest point of the series, and therefore most reviewers fearlessly retell it in their reviews. The advantage of this approach to screenwriting is that you can also get a feel for the overall audience rating of the film. The largest database of reviews can be found at kinopoisk.ru.
