Anton Vasiliev is a Russian actor who has starred in four dozen films and TV series. Among them are the sensational series "Nevsky", where he played the leading role, as well as "A4 Format", "Fool's Day", "Mom", and others. He is handsome and courageous, in the very dawn of strength, and therefore his marital status is very worried about fans.

Does the actor Anton Vasiliev have a wife is a frequently asked question from journalists during interviews. But this 35-year-old man is a rather secretive person. He has said many times that he should be interested only in the light of creativity, and not for the intimate details of his relationship with someone.
short biography
The birthplace of the actor is the city on the Neva, the date of birth is April 8, 1984. There were no artists in the guy's family, but something inspired him to choose this very direction in life, and he was not mistaken.
In an interview, he says: "My parents believed that I should have a 'solid' profession." My dad is an engineer, and my mother is a teacher. And on their advice, I went to preparatory courses at the Institute of Service and Economics. But, alas, I didn’t enter - I failed my exams in mathematics”.
He graduated from school in 2001, applied for admission to SPbGATI. Anton did not doubt his vocation and the makings of talent, because in parallel with his studies at school, he performed at the Theater of Youth Creativity, where he mastered the basics of performing arts. By the way, as he himself admits, school love brought him to the theater stage in the fifth grade. “I went to this theater for the sake of sympathy,” Vasiliev explains. "I liked one girl."
He was admitted to a theater university, he got on the course to the mentor Veniamin Filshtinsky. At the opening, he read Onegin's letter and portrayed a "bear with a double bass." By the way, after such a demonstration, the receiving mentor even asked if the guy was registered in the mental hospital.

Vasiliev successfully graduated from the institute in 2006.
Creative theater career
The former student went to Riga and was accepted as an actor at the Riga Russian Theater named after A. P. Chekhov. There was no distribution, just “young blood” was required for the theater in Riga. Here he worked for only one theatrical season. He was offendedly robbed, and being without documents in Latvia is illegal, so he returned to St. Petersburg. And then he appeared on the stages of a number of St. Petersburg theaters. He began to receive offers from local directors.

In 2010, he decided to move to Moscow in search of an interesting job. Anton performed roles in the Academic Theater "On Mokhovaya" in such performances as "Romeo and Juliet", "Crime and Punishment", "The Inspector General". Theater critics noticed him and began to invite him to other stages of the capital. Actor Vasiliev was seen at the Liteiny Theater, at the Music Hall, at the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov.
The 7th Studio theater became a permanent place of work in Moscow for Anton, here he played prominent roles in the productions of Idiots, Thugs, Dead Souls by the great master Kirill Serebrennikov
Cinematic biography
Like most newcomers to cinema, it all started with episodes. But here Anton Vasiliev was lucky, and he immediately appeared in such famous TV series as Streets of Broken Lanterns 4, Secrets of the Investigation and Think Like a Woman.
The first major role in his life - deacon Otlukavin - he played in the short film "The Gimp".
He admits that before filming the sensational series "Nevsky" he was content with really meager fees, so he even had to "bomb" in the car at night in order to get several hundred rubles for food.
And then in his life there were "star" pictures, of which Anton has more than a dozen. The latter is the acclaimed comedy series Call DiCaprio.
Personal life
Anton Vasiliev dismisses any questions about his personal life: "I won't talk about it."
He only gladly reveals the secret, what he likes to do in his free time: he really likes to be alone, reflect on life, focus on himself and his roles. This is what he calls his "rest".

About Vasiliev in wide circles there is fame as an enviable bachelor, brutal macho, handsome from the cinema. However, he is very reserved with women and in his comments about them. Neither at social gatherings, nor in family cafes with his wife or anyone else, he was not noticed. In social networks, he also carefully filters out photos where he could be captured with any girl.
And yet, if you carefully study his feed and stories on Instagram, you can note his silence regarding girls, fans and colleagues. However, he recently stopped hiding the presence of children. Recently, Anton has answered positively to questions from subscribers about children. He is happy to say that he has two children - a daughter and a son. And when his daughter was born, he even made a big tattoo on his arm in her honor.
In one of the comments to publications in social networks, he said: "More than anything in the world I am proud of my children." As you know, babies are not born without a mother. This means that Anton also has a mysterious wife. But at the same time, Vasiliev has not yet demonstrated the rings on his finger.
Wise people say correctly: "Happiness loves silence." This is exactly the happy marriage of a famous actor, which he carefully protects from prying eyes.