Film is still actively used in photography, and many important and valuable frames are stored in analog form, as they were obtained in the years when digital technologies were not yet developed. Currently, there are several different ways to copy a negative image.

Step 1
There are two different approaches for reshooting a negative: digital and analog. Digitizing the film allows for convenient long-term storage of the image without further periodic reshooting, and guarantees its physical safety. A film-to-film negative copy cannot boast of such a reliable and eternal preservation, but it can be aesthetically important, and most importantly, it allows printing from film by hand, which is the highest value and quality of a printed photo.
Step 2
When scanning film to digital, you have to solve the problem of choosing the file format and equipment for scanning. There are a huge number of raster formats for storing images. The most common options are two types: with and without compression. A popular compressed format is JPG. It takes up little space compared to other species and stores most of the information about the image. If the photographic materials are not planned to be subsequently printed or to do any other manipulations that require the quality of the source, then you can limit yourself to this type. Otherwise, you should use the original uncompressed image in TIFF or BMP format.
Step 3
The scanner has a profound effect on the quality of the resulting material. There are a huge number of device characteristics associated with the type of matrix, illumination lamp and software capabilities. Scanners can be divided into two groups: amateur flatbed scanners and professional drum scanners. It is preferable to use the latter view, this will allow you to get a larger size, sharpness of the image, and a high-quality study of the re-captured negative in shadows and midtones.
Step 4
Removing the negative from film to film is less common, but still exists and is justified for some purposes. There are two options: reshooting with a photographic enlarger on technical film and photographing a negative. For the latter method, special lens attachments for macro photography are sold, into which a negative or a slide is inserted, after which it is filmed with a camera. It should be noted that the latter method can also be used to digitize the negative (when shooting with a digital camera), but scanning is preferable.