The shells scattered along the seashore are so beautiful that it seems as if they were created by nature for decoration. Regularly shaped, covered with mother-of-pearl, sometimes brightly colored, they are ideal for making beads, bracelets and for decorating interior items.

It is necessary
- - shells;
- - white beads;
- - gouache;
- - glue or varnish.
- For a vase:
- - heat-resistant vase-blank;
- - foil;
- - shells;
- - gouache;
- - glue.
- For salty dough:
- - 500 g of premium wheat flour;
- - 200 g of finely ground table salt;
- - 200 ml of cold water.
Step 1
Take many different shells, wash thoroughly, remove dirt, dust, dry and paint with gouache in different colors.
Step 2
Sort the shells by shape and size and see if you can make a figurine out of them. For example, from a large oval shell (shells of mollusks of the mytilida family, chiatellida are well suited), you will get the body of a fish, from a shell in the form of a fan (similar to the pectnind family) and three times smaller than a shell-body - a tail, out of two or three similar to shell-tail - fins.
Step 3
Paint the body and fins in pleasant colors, remember the coloring of different fish living in warm seas - striped, speckled, monochromatic. A large shell-body can have a much more unusual shape than an oval: the better - this is the opportunity to make an outlandish exotic fish.
Step 4
Make up an angel. For the body, take one large shell, which can be represented as an angel's hoodie (it should look like a fan), the wide part is the bottom, the narrow one is the top, the neck. The white bead is the head, and two small shells can be used to make wings. Paint the shell-body and seashells - the wings with white gouache, the wings can be coated with silver or gold varnish, or just glue.
Step 5
Choose shells that are suitable for laying out a flower - it's not difficult, in almost any collection there is a sufficient number of identical shells from which you can make petals. The middle of a flower can be made from several beads. Paint all shells with varnish or gouache in the desired color.
Step 6
Vase in shells Sift finely ground table salt through a sieve, pour into an enamel bowl, fill it with water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Sift the flour through a sieve and, while continuously stirring the salt water, gradually add the flour into it. Knead the dough very carefully so that it becomes elastic, tough and stops sticking to your hands.
Step 7
Take a vase-blank, carefully wrap it with foil, wrap it with salt dough, press the painted shells into the dough, burn the vase in the oven at a temperature of 100 - 120 ° C. You can grease each shell with glue before pressing into the dough.