How To Tell About Yourself Briefly

How To Tell About Yourself Briefly
How To Tell About Yourself Briefly

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It is important to be able to tell about yourself with a few phrases. Moreover, the story should be different from similar stories of other people. You can play together to understand the effectiveness of your story. This skill will come in handy during a telephone interview, when meeting at seminars, in other situations where you need to leave an indelible impression of yourself. To achieve this effect, you need to prepare in advance.

Get ready to say the most important thing about yourself
Get ready to say the most important thing about yourself


Step 1

Write 30 sentences about yourself in the past. Make sentences short and specific. Describe what you have achieved. Remember the achievements in different spheres of life - in studies, sports, leadership. Write down what mechanisms you own, what books you read, what foreign languages you learned. Add phrases about how you were in character in childhood, adolescence. Remember what you value, what goals you set for yourself.

Step 2

Write 30 sentences about yourself in the present. Formulate your current goals, dreams, character traits. Try to look at yourself from the outside.

Step 3

Write 30 sentences about yourself in the future. Imagine that you are already there. Describe how you will feel, what new goals to set.

Step 4

Print all offers on a printer. There should be 90 or more sentences printed one under the other.

Step 5

Cut the list into strips. There should be only one sentence on each strip of paper.

Step 6

Stir the strips. Let the past, present and future mix.

Step 7

Divide the strips into 3 groups. Name these groups "Very important", "General information", "You can forget".

Step 8

Don't throw away any sentences, save them for future reference. Depending on the purpose of the story about yourself, someday you will want to decompose sentences into groups differently. Something will turn out to be important, but something can be postponed as insignificant.

Step 9

Introduce yourself using the Very Important group. If there are too many sentences in this group, select the most important ones. Rehearse your story well.
