How To Make A New Year's Card: Master Class

How To Make A New Year's Card: Master Class
How To Make A New Year's Card: Master Class

Table of contents:


Handmade gifts are very much appreciated. However, not everyone can boast of needlework skills and a lot of free time. Learn how to make a New Year's card out of paper using a step-by-step master class, and congratulate a loved one in such an original way.

How to make a New Year card
How to make a New Year card

It is necessary

  • - A4 thick paper for watercolors;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - white gouache;
  • - white and black gel pen;
  • - thick and thin brush;
  • - a simple pencil.


Step 1

To make a New Year's card with your own hands, you need to bend a sheet of paper in half like a book and place it horizontally. It is best to play it safe and place a piece of paper between the pages of the card so that the paint does not stain the inside. For a vibrant watercolor background, you can use whatever colors you like. We will focus on the blue palette, which perfectly suits the snowy New Year theme. It is better not to take light shades, since the inscription on the card and the snowflakes will be white. Mix blues, purples and greens, remembering to add more water to the brush to make the transitions smooth and original. Step back a centimeter from the edge of the sheet and fill the entire space inside with paint.

How to make a New Year card
How to make a New Year card

Step 2

Wait for the paint to dry and start writing the phrase Happy New Year. First practice with a regular pencil on another sheet of paper. And then try to transfer the inscription to the postcard so that everything looks smooth. If you don't know how to write beautifully, then find a font on any New Year's card and try to repeat it. Take a thin brush, white gouache and draw a thin line around the congratulatory phrase, as in the image below. If it turns out to be sloppy somewhere, then it can be corrected with a white gel pen.

Step 3

To make your Christmas card look pretty, grab a white gel pen and fill a makeshift frame with snowflakes, swirls and dots. Don't forget to add some snowflakes to the lettering itself.

How to make a New Year card
How to make a New Year card

Step 4

In the final step, take a black pen or liner and create a volumetric effect that simulates the shadow of the lettering. This will make it stand out from the white patterns.

How to make a New Year card
How to make a New Year card

Step 5

If you wish, you can continue to decorate the New Year card with sparkles or add an applique. When the card is dry, place it in a book and place it under a press to remove any bumps left over from the watercolors. Now you can sign it inside and present it to a loved one for the New Year.
