How To Read Minds From A Distance

How To Read Minds From A Distance
How To Read Minds From A Distance

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Reading thoughts from a distance is telepathy. It is owned by parapsychologists and mediums. Any person can develop telepathic abilities. This requires regular training, perseverance and self-confidence. There are a number of exercises that can help you learn to recognize thoughts at a distance. They should be done daily.

Anyone can learn to read minds
Anyone can learn to read minds


Step 1

Exercise with sticky notes.

Ask completely different people to write some notes. Retire. Relax. Try to stop your thoughts and not think about anything. Apply each note to your forehead in turn. During this process, mental images of these people will begin to appear in your head. The essence of the assignment is that you must accurately represent the person who wrote the note. This exercise helps to develop telepathic abilities.

Step 2

Exercise with the apparatus.

Take an object that belongs to the person whose thoughts you want to know. Hold it in your hands. After a while, you should have images of this person. Over time, mental images of the person you are interested in will begin to come to your head. You will learn to read minds.

Step 3

Exercise with a watch.

It is aimed at training clairaudience, i.e. you will be able to recognize thoughts at a distance by developing an unusual hearing. Take your watch. Retire to a quiet room. Gradually move the watch away from your ear until the ticking sound is barely audible. Listen for a while, but no more than 10 minutes. By doing this activity continuously, you will increase your hearing range. Each time you have to move the clock further and further away from you.

Gradually, you will learn to pick up sounds that no one hears. You will listen to thoughts.

Step 4

Develop telepathy everywhere. You can train wherever you want. After all, classes are completely harmless to others and even invisible. If you are using public transport, try to "read" who is exiting now. Or, walking down the street, mentally ask the person in front of you to turn around. You have to do everything with the power of one thought, without performing any physical action.

Step 5

Transfer of the letter.

This is a rather difficult exercise that requires concentration and energy expenditure. It must be carried out in a calm atmosphere. Do not be distracted by foreign objects. Relax. Imagine an image of a person in front of you. Compose an inner message to him, i.e. you must clearly articulate the text of the letter. Now focus on the message and imagine that it was received by the addressee. The main thing is to concentrate all the time on the letter and the image of the person. Remember that only constant persistent practice will bring success.
