Polina Agureeva is a wonderful actress, charming woman and mother of two sons, Peter and Timofey. She creates in different roles, each time striking with the talent and depth of the created images. Polina manages not only to be in demand on the stage and stage, but also to maintain the warmth of the hearth. Agureeva's second husband, Fyodor Malyshev, works with her in a creative tandem at the “Workshop of Peter Fomenko”.

A dream come true
Polina Vladimirovna Agureeva has always been distinguished by courage and strength, which helped her to realize her dreams, to go to them without losing self-confidence. While still a little girl from the small village of Mikhailovka near Volgograd, she knew that she would become an actress. She came from a kind of Don Cossacks. Polina's dad was a physicist, her mother taught Russian literature. The family, unfortunately, did not last long, the parents developed.
The future actress was only 7 years old when her mother transported her to the capital. A talented girl after graduating from school entered GITIS on the first try. However, the connection with the domestic outback, love for the steppe region always remained in the soul of the talented actress and helped in her further work.
For more than twenty years Polina Agureeva has been working in her favorite theater “Workshop of Peter Fomenko”. She considers her teacher, who left in 1912, to be a real genius; even Polina named her first son in his honor - Petya.

She first appeared on the stage of her theater in 1997, and played her first major role here. After receiving the GITIS diploma, Agureeva had many interesting, vivid theatrical and cinematic works, marked with high awards, including the Grand Prix of the Moscow Debuts festival, the Seagull-2000 prize, the RF Prize, Triumph, the Kinotavr prize other.
In the filmography of Polina Vladimirovna there are such magnificent pictures as "Long Farewell", "Euphoria", "Life and Fate". Many connoisseurs of music will remember Agureeva as a wonderful performer of romances.

The first husband of Polina Agureeva
Polina Vladimirovna is an open, sincere person, does not refuse to communicate with journalists and sometimes quite frankly answers their question. In an interview with the media, the actress admitted that she often had to portray a woman in love on the screen and on stage, but love did not come to her for a long time.
The first strong feeling captured Polina for the famous director Ivan Vyrypaev, whom she married in 2003. A couple of years later, the couple had a son, Peter. As Agureeva said, she considers love to be both a gift and a burden at the same time, and also considers the ability to maintain this complex feeling to be a huge work.
The relationship of the actress Agureeva with the director Vyrypaev was more like a creative confrontation, which was transferred from work to the life of the family. The couple failed to keep their love, and she broke up in 2007. According to Polina Vladimirovna, she does not understand families who live only for the sake of children, even if the former feelings of the spouses for each other have long faded away.
Polina Vladimirovna still considers Ivan Vyrypaev to be a very talented playwright and director, however, according to her, his drama has ceased to be close to her. The couple no longer has a real friendship, as well as a creative tandem, but after the divorce, the ex-husband and wife had good relations. Ivan Vyrypaev lives and works happily in the Russian Federation, then in Poland, where he brings up a daughter from his third marriage with Polish actress Karolina Grushka. In addition, ex-husband Agureeva has two more sons from two previous marriages: Gennady and Peter.

Second husband of Polina Agureeva
For several years after the divorce, Agureeva was engaged in creativity and alone raised her son Petya, without starting a romantic relationship with anyone. In 2013, love came to her again, and she played a wedding with GITIS graduate Fyodor Malyshev.
A talented actor, remembered by the audience for such roles as "Acid", "Lyudmila Gurchenko", "Kukushechka" and others, just like Polina Vladimirovna, is also musically gifted. He is the vocalist and guitarist in the famous band LosiKenguru.
The couple together bring up a common son Timofey, born in 2015, and the elder Peter; jointly puts on performances; spends time together after work, sometimes laying out volumes of classical works right in the kitchen at home and discussing creative plans. Despite today's idyll, Polina Vladimirovna is a little worried that her husband is 15 years younger than her. Fans of the talented couple's creativity want to believe that she will be able to keep love, regardless of the age of the partners.

Polina and Fedor live in the south-west of the capital, and Agureeva's mother settled near Moscow. She always comes to the rescue in raising grandchildren. In rare hours of rest, the actress turns into just a mother and takes her children to the park or organizes a cultural program: theater, gallery, museum.
The boys are attached to each other, the elder takes care of the younger. Peter knows a lot and loves to write, it is possible that his father's dramatic talent was passed on to him. The youngest son Timofey is already showing interest in public speaking, so his parents will not mind if one day he chooses an acting profession and continues the family dynasty.