For those who decide to learn to play the guitar by sheet music, it is recommended to use nylon strings. They are softer than metal and do not cause finger fatigue when playing. Correct placement of nylon strings will give a harmonious sound and softness in sound reproduction.

Step 1
Remove the old strings by loosening the tension. Pry the loops located on the tuning peg screw with some sharp object and pull the ends of the strings out of the holes in the drum. Don't be embarrassed if the neck of your guitar starts to wobble after you release all the strings. This is typical of those instruments, the neck of which is held by a screw. After setting the strings, the stable position will return.
Step 2
In order not to disturb the sequence of the strings, start with the thinnest (first) string. Make a knot at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from one of the ends of the string, similar to the one that is tied at the end of the thread when starting to sew.
Step 3
Secure the string to the stand by making a loop. Keep the guitar in a horizontal position. Throw the end with the knot over the support and bring it under the string from either side. Then thread the end of the string through the loop. Make sure the knot is outside the loop.
Step 4
Tighten the loop to keep it from unraveling. To do this, with your index finger on the side of the string holes, press the intersection of the loop with the end of the string to the stand. Keep the string taut at all times. Pull the opposite end of the string with your free hand while tightening it.
Step 5
Sit down and place your guitar on the floor. To keep the string under tension in a taut state and not be able to unfold on the stand, press it against the neck with your right knee. Pass the end of the string through the hole on the peg shaft, pull it out a couple of centimeters.
Step 6
Wind the string onto the tuning fork. Remember that all strings must be twisted in the same direction. Make several overlap loops. One of them should lie across all the others.
Step 7
With the fingers of your right hand, pull the string straight, keeping it at a right angle to the neck and not letting loose. Continue winding the string around the roller. When it is completely taut, check the loop on the stand: the loose string will not be able to hold the tuning, so everything needs to be redone.
Step 8
When installing the bass strings (4, 5, 6), knots can be omitted. Note that there is a fiber loop at one end of the bass string. It has nothing to do with securing the string, but most often the string is inserted into the hole in the stand with the end on which the loop is absent.