Riddles about and about animals are a great way to teach children something new and interesting. By participating in the gameplay, the child will be able to develop new skills and learn many interesting facts from the animal world without getting bored. Parents are simply obliged to learn several dozen of these riddles that will unite them with their children in an entertaining gameplay.

Riddles about beavers, squirrels and sheep
It is not clear why, but the riddles about these animals are the most common and famous.
For example, guessing exactly "beavers", you can tell the child the following puzzles:
"There are diligent workers in the river, but they are not carpenters or carpenters, but how they build a dam - an artist can paint a picture."
“Small but very hard-working animals that build houses right in the middle of the river. If anyone comes to visit, you should know that there is only a way to the house from the river”.
“There are lumberjacks on the rivers, dressed in silvery-white fur coats. They build very strong dams from trees, branches or clay."
The following riddles exist about small proteins:
“I wear a fluffy fur coat and live in a dense forest - in a hollow on an old strong oak. And I gnaw nuts."
“He jumps from branch to branch, fast, just like a ball, he jumps through the forest, red-haired circus performer. On the fly, he tore off a pine cone from the tree, then jumped on the trunk and ran into the hollow."
“Who is this on the trees so cleverly jumps and flies up the tall oak trees? Who hides nuts in a hollow and dries mushrooms for a long winter.
"On trees, she jump and jump and nuts at the same time click and click."
"We can easily recognize this animal by two simple signs: he walks in a fur coat in a gray winter and in a red fur coat in summer."
“Who threw a pine cone at us from the tall dark pines? And then into the bushes right through the stump flashed like a light?"
Funny children's puzzles about sheep and rams:
"So the thick grasses are tangled and the meadows are curly, but I myself am terribly curly and have a curl of horns."
“He is very, very curly, among the bright is a giant. What is his name?”(Answer - Baran).
Other interesting riddles that develop ingenuity in children
About the African hippopotamus: "He has a huge mouth, we call him …".
A few riddles about the camel:
“I wear two humps and have two stomachs. My every hump is not a hump at all, a barn! They have food for eight days."
"I am a humpbacked animal and almost all the guys like me."
About the gray wolf: “He hikes a big shepherd dog, every tooth he has is a sharp knife! When he runs, his mouth bared, he is ready to attack the sheep."
About the porcupine: "The little hedgehog has grown seven times, so it turned out …".
Puzzles about hedgehogs:
“A bun is made of needles. And who is curled up in a ball here? Do not understand where his tail is and where the nose is. He wears groceries on his back. In general, you won't immediately understand - who is this, if not ….
“Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench. They are looking at you, they want milk."
“There was a small pillow full of needles between the trees. I lay quietly, then suddenly ran away."
“He is touchy and covered in pins and needles. He lives in a hole under the tree. Although the doors are wide open, animals do not often go to him."
About the tall giraffe:
“To recognize him is so simple, to recognize him - quite easy. He is tall and looks far away."
"What animal is very beautiful and at the same time the tallest, the longest?"
“He walks with his head raised, not because he is an important count, not because he has a proud disposition. All because he ….
It is very difficult to list all the riddles about animals, and it is hardly possible. But if you wish, you can learn and learn them in a great variety.