Gift Box "As In Childhood"

Gift Box "As In Childhood"
Gift Box "As In Childhood"

It is much more pleasant to give and receive gifts that are beautifully and unusually packed. Let's make a simple but very cute little gift box.

Gift box "As in childhood"
Gift box "As in childhood"

This model of a gift box is well known to those who visited the Soviet "Christmas trees" in childhood. The New Year's holidays were then accompanied by the issuance of sweet gifts, many of which were packed in a multi-colored box of just such a model. It was conveniently, simply and reliably closed and opened many times, and the most curious children could find out that the pattern of this box is extremely simple, so they repeated it in their crafts.

So, to make such a box for a gift, you will need thick thin colored or white cardboard, a ruler, a pencil, some kind of template in order to draw a part of the circle and any decor for the box to your taste.


The diagram shows which workpiece needs to be cut out of cardboard. In order to build it, it is enough to draw parts of a circle (circle a CD or a small plate, saucer) in the form of two eights located exactly one below the other.

Helpful advice: if you are sure that you will not be able to draw in the same way as on the diagram, just save the pattern for the pattern of the box on your computer, open it in an existing graphic editor, change the size to the required size and print on plain paper. Thus, you will get a pattern of the box that you can put on cardboard and carefully trace with a pencil.

Along the lines marked with blue dots, you will need to fold the box. In order for the cardboard to fold the way you need, along these lines you need to draw a line (rinse it a little) with a ballpoint pen in which the paste or other sharp object has run out. The main thing is not to cut through the cardboard, namely, slightly crumple it so that it folds along the outlined lines. After that, it will be necessary to apply glue to the ABVG quadrangle, fold the box in half and put it under a press so that the glue dries.

Decorate the box to your liking - stickers, drawings, bows, etc.

In such a box, you can give both sweet sets, jewelry, other small items, and money. See also my earlier article on how easy it is to make a pyramid-like gift box.
