The polymer material fluorocarbon has practical properties such as strength, stiffness and wear resistance. Its chemical composition includes fluorine and carbon, which made it possible to create a popular substance with a unique molecular structure of the crystal lattice. This material is widely used as a fishing line.

Despite the same type of technology for manufacturing fluorocarbon with Teflon and external similarity with monofilament, there are significant differences between the lines made of these materials. Fluorocarbon line is considered today as the most ideal material for a leash when fishing, as it has less strength than a monofilament analog. However, it has greater rigidity, less memory and extensibility, sinks faster in water due to negative buoyancy, and is virtually invisible in water.
In special cases where tackle camouflage is of paramount importance, fluorocarbon can also be used as the main line. The rigidity, elasticity and optical camouflage of this line allows it to be most useful when fishing with twitching, when the fish is attracted by playing with a wobbler. Based on the fact that fluorocarbon is much more expensive than monofilament, a fishing line from it is used as a leash material much more often than as a main tackle.
Main practical characteristics of fluorocarbon fishing line
Due to the low strength of the material and its high cost, it is necessary to purchase large diameters of the fishing line and knit special knots, and also mainly use the fishing line as a lead material to reduce its costs. However, the advantages of fluorocarbonate more than justify its disadvantages. After all, optical invisibility in water, associated with the uniformity of the refractive indices of water and this material, resistance to abrasion and deformation, as well as low memory, which allows the line to quickly take its original form, today make fluorocarbon fishing line the leader in its segment.

In order to make a leash, you must use the smallest carabiner and half a meter of fluorocarbon line, the strength of which will be equal to the main line. The knots "Carrot" between the lines and "Grinner" must be moistened in water to secure the carabiner before tightening. A leash made in this way guarantees maximum invisibility for the most fearful of fish.
To fasten fluorocarbon fishing line with tackle, the following types of knots are usually used: "Carrot" (the leash is tied to the braid), "Albright" (the big difference in the thickness of the main line and the leash), "Grinner" (universal knot), "Rapala" (hook connection). When forming knots, it is necessary to carefully monitor the smoothness of the ring at the swivel, the violation of which will directly affect the strength of the line.
Where is fluorocarbon line used?
The scope of application of fluorocarbon fishing line directly depends on the bait used for the fish. So, for example, the "Jerkbait" lure, due to the optimal density of the fishing line, behaves quite naturally at great depths, which guarantees the maximum catch.

For vertical fishing at great depths, the Drop-Shot lure is ideal for using fluorocabon line. And the special design of the "Spinnerbait" lure, in combination with the practical qualities of this line, turns out to be most effective in conditions when predatory fish live in reservoirs with an uneven bottom. It must be remembered that in difficult conditions, a sufficiently strong line should be used to catch large species of predatory fish.
Fluorocarbon line rating
The quality of the fishing line is always the main reason for guaranteeing a decent catch, therefore the thematic consumer market has formed an appropriate rating for these products.
Sunline is the undisputed world leader in the fluorocarbon line market. For fishing lovers, this brand offers a wide range of high quality line diameters. Maximum rigidity and high durability of the fishing line make it possible to speak about its excellent practical characteristics, indispensable for fishing both large predatory and shy fish.
The popular manufacturer offers an assortment of lines with a variety of windings, including 30m and 50m. The line has proven itself perfectly when used as a leash when fishing is carried out in reservoirs with an uneven bottom, covered with snags, stones and algae.
The optimal combination of "price-quality" parameters eloquently indicates the uniqueness of the leadership of this brand. After all, there is an obvious economic benefit of this product when comparing the cost of Sunline fishing line with other brands on the market.

Currently, dozens of world manufacturers are represented on the domestic consumer market for fluorocarbon fishing lines. Various brands of this line offer consumers a different range of products. The technical parameters of fluorocarbon lines differ, as a rule, only in tensile strength and diameter. Accordingly, due to these parameters, pricing is formed.
Sufix (Japan) - line used for various types of fishing. It looks like nylon strands. Differs in high quality elasticity, softness and easy control when casting the rig. Standard winding is 100-150 meters at a cost of 140 rubles.
Tiagra (Japan) - tiagra fluorocarbon fishing line with 100% fluorocarbon content has excellent characteristics (optical invisibility in water, reliability and strength, elasticity). The tiagra leash line is presented in the price range - from 160 rubles.
Lon Power (Japan) - the line has a characteristic blue color. It is designed for sporty, delicate fishing. The price range starts from 250 rubles.
Owner (USA) is a popular brand with extremely positive reviews. The assortment range starts from 300 rubles.
Megastrong (China) - the line is maximally adapted to the conditions of bottom spinning fishing. A unique product with a very accurate calibration is a fluorocarbon coated nylon line. The price range starts from 400 rubles.
Ades Daiwa (Japan) - fluorocarbon line has high levels of spreadability, transparency and durability. Price - from 150 rubles.
Shimano Antares Fluorokarbon (Japan) - the real Japanese quality of fluorocarbon line is due to one hundred percent chemical composition of fluorocarbon. The products are distinguished by their special elasticity, durability and transparency, and also quickly immerse themselves in water. Price - from 400 rubles.
Customer feedback on products
In order to objectively judge the quality of a fluorocarbon fishing line, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the reviews of fishermen, who have already been able to form an opinion about its practical properties from their own experience. If you consolidate all reviews into a single average information block, you get the following.
The vast majority of experienced fishing enthusiasts claim that fluorocarbon filament is characterized by a lack of memory and when it is unwound from a reel, there is an absolute absence of characteristic rings. In addition, it does not stretch when playing. However, this line is very expensive, and therefore using it as the main line seems to many to be a waste of money. And when using its advantageous properties of transparency, it has no equal for fishing as a leash.

In preparation for the fishing season, each fisherman should clearly form an opinion about the place of fishing and the expected catch. Therefore, such qualities of the line as its diameter, transparency and elasticity are of paramount importance. You should be aware that the prevailing opinion about the direct dependence of the transparency of fishing tackle on its thickness is not sufficiently supported by the practice of life. Thin fluorocarbon line should be used, as a rule, when fishing with a spinning rod or a sensitive rod for shy fish such as grayling.
And a more justified use of thick lines is considered to be the option with spinning reels, when the winding of the thread is carried out with tangible efforts. And in general, do not forget that when fishing for large fish, the main parameter of the line is not its transparency, but precisely its strength.
Studies conducted in Japan at the end of the last century showed that using the best fluorocarbon as a leash doubles the catch.