After an unsuccessful relationship with a colleague, Ida Galich found her happiness in the person of the Ossetian Alan Basiev. The wedding took place in 2018, but after a while, information about the problems in the couple began to appear in the press.

Ida Galich and her path to success
Ida Galich is a popular comedian, blogger, comedian, presenter. She was born into a simple family. Her mother is Ossetian by nationality. She dedicated her life to medicine. Dad is a career soldier, so the girl's family moved very often. Each new move was not very easy for Ida. There were problems with classmates. She was often teased and ridiculed. Since childhood, Ida has been very bright and artistic. She wanted to enter a theater university, but could not pass the competition. In 2007, the girl became a student at the University of Trade and Economics. This was insisted on by the parents, who believed that their daughter needed a higher education diploma.
In her student years, Ida began to play in KVN. Together with her friend, she founded the "Autumn Kiss" team. Then Galich tried her hand at the "Moscow was not built right away" team. In 2015, comedians even managed to break into the KVN Premier League. In 2016, Galich and her friend Anton Karavaitsev decided to take part in the popular Comedy Battle show. They could not take the prize, but the audience remembered their bright performances.
Ida is a popular Instagram blogger. She shoots very interesting vines - short humorous videos that charge you with positive. According to Galich, work in this direction requires a certain talent. The author of the video needs to keep within a few seconds and be able to evoke emotions in the viewer.

Galich has its own YouTube channel. In 2016, the girl starred in Anastasia Zadorozhnaya's video for the song "I feel with my body." In 2017, Ida became the host of the program "Behind the Scenes of the Success Show." Galich is in great demand. She is invited to the top-rated television programs not only as a guest, but also as a host.
Personal failures
Ida Galich always openly shared the details of her personal life with the subscribers of her channel. In 2017, she had a relationship with Dmitry Diesel. She called this young man her colleague. They shot Vines together, often gave joint interviews.

Dmitry proposed to Ida to marry him and they were already preparing for the wedding. But suddenly, a famous blogger announced the breakup. She admitted that all this time, her lover was deceiving her. He said that he was working, but while he had some problems, he asked to wait. According to Ida, throughout this period he lived at her expense and made himself public relations on her behalf. Galich even started calling him "False Dmitry". For a very long time she could not forget the disappointment she experienced.
Ida's husband Alan Basiev
At the beginning of 2018, Ida Galich met her future husband Alan Basiev. This happened under very interesting circumstances. They were queuing for the toilets of one of the nightclubs. The young people got to talking, exchanged phone numbers. Alan did not recognize a famous blogger in his new acquaintance and this bribed Ida. Bad experiences from the past made her be more careful. Galich was afraid to meet the gigolo again.
Unlike Ida's ex-boyfriend, her new boyfriend turned out to be quite a successful man. Alan has his own business. This young man also enjoys photography and makes money from his hobby. Relations with Basiev developed rapidly. A few months after they met, they began to live together and soon Alan proposed to his beloved.
The wedding was celebrated two days in a row. On the first day, an official ceremony and a banquet took place, to which the closest were invited. On the second day, the event was celebrated on a grand scale. The newlyweds invited more than two hundred people. The wedding was organized by employees of one of the best wedding agencies.

Ida Galich was even reproached for not knowing how to count money. The blogger replied that it would not have been possible to organize a modest celebration with her Ossetian husband.

After the wedding, Ida left her last name, since it was under her that she became known. Galich and her husband gave frank interviews more than once, in which they admitted that they were very happy together. Alan supported his wife in everything and carried her in his arms.

In 2019, information appeared about the divorce of the couple. These rumors were not confirmed and Ida is still together with her beloved husband. But according to people from the inner circle, there are still problems in the relationship. According to many, Galich is making a big mistake, exposing her husband in front of everyone in an unattractive light. In all joint interviews, she constantly interrupts Alan, does not let him tell, taunts him. In Vines, filmed by Ida, her husband always acts as a whipping boy. Perhaps they have some kind of agreement. But do not forget that Alan is Ossetian by nationality, and such a distribution of roles in the family is unacceptable among representatives of this people.