Deciphering is one of the most exciting things to do. After all, it is always so curious to find out what exactly is hidden behind a particular encoding. Moreover, there are a lot of different types of ciphers. Therefore, there are also plenty of ways to recognize and translate them. The most difficult task is to correctly determine in what way it is necessary to decipher this or that riddle.

Step 1
If you are going to decrypt a certain encoding, remember that in most cases information is encrypted by substituting letters of the alphabet. Try to identify the most common letters in the language and correlate them with the ones you have in the code. Researchers have made it easier for you, and some of them have already been tabulated. If you use it, it will greatly speed up the decryption process. In a similar way, the ciphers of Polybius and Caesar were solved in due time.
Step 2
Use keys to make it easier to decrypt. For decryption, you will need such a concept as the length of the key, which you can only determine by selecting individual letters (see step 1). After you select the length of your key, you can form a group of characters that is encoded with one letter. And so gradually the whole cipher will be revealed to you. This process is quite laborious and time consuming, so please be patient.
Step 3
Try also to decipher the message by choosing one word, which with a high degree of probability should occur in this text. Move it along the text until it overlaps itself in the cipher. This will define part of the key. Then decrypt the text in the area around the key. Choose the options for decrypting the text accordingly. It must necessarily correlate with the key word and be adequate to it, i.e. match the context.
Step 4
Remember that knowledge of the most well-known methods of encrypting messages will be useful to you to successfully decrypt the encoding. So, for example, if you have a text dated to the 5th century BC, then with a high degree of probability we can say that it is encoded in wandering. The principle of such encryption was a simple permutation method. That is, the letters of the alphabet simply changed places and then, using a round object, were applied to the sheet in a chaotic order. To decipher such a message, the main thing is to correctly restore the size of this round object.
Step 5
Recognize digital ciphers using mathematical methods. One of the popular ways is to use the theory of probability. And in the Middle Ages, encryption using mathematical symbols was carried out by rearranging and using magic squares. These are the figures in which the numbers are inscribed in the cells with successive natural numbers. As a rule, they begin with 1. The secret of the magic square is that all the numbers in it in the sum of each column or row, or diagonals give the same number.
Step 6
Take into account the fact that the text for decryption is located in such a square according to the cell numbering. Write down the contents of the table line by line and get the text that you want to decipher. And only then, by permutations, select the required encryption option.