The duet of famous Russian figure skaters and the married couple Tatyana Volosozhar - Maxim Trankov do not regret the end of their professional career in sports. The athletes admit that in the period when they had to start preparing for the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, an important event that happened to the spouses overshadowed the brilliance of the medals. The birth of their daughter changed their lives in many ways.

It is not surprising that figure skating sports duets often become married couples. Training every day, partners spend a lot of time nearby, know and understand each other well. Together they experience the joy of victory and the bitterness of defeat. They get used to the fact that decisions must be made collectively and be responsible not only for themselves.
Personal relationships in the famous pair of figure skaters Volosozhar - Trankov began three years before the wedding. The day of the solemn wedding and the official date of the creation of the family was August 18, 2015. When asked by journalists about whether they get tired of being always together, both at work and at home, Maxim replies that they break up when they prepare for training or performances. “Tanya changes in the women's locker room, and I in the men's. This is enough to take a break from each other,”he laughs.
A year and a half later, the time came when the planned failure of the 24/7 regime occurred in the communication of colleagues and spouses. A daughter was born! Taking care of her required the distribution of parental responsibilities: mom spends more time with the baby, dad - at work. When they lived together, Maxim was a homebody, because in his youth he traveled a lot. Now he has organized a rich life for himself and is ready to work around the clock in order to make the child's childhood happy.
I must say that athletes are a responsible and strong-willed people, they know how to correctly assess and distribute their physical capabilities and moral strength. The general condition of the partner Maxim Trankov allowed her to work at the rink until the last trimester of pregnancy. And in the postpartum period, the young mother quickly regained her former shape. After 1, 5 months, the couple has already resumed training. But returning to big sport meant that one had to live only for the sake of achievements and awards. To deprive themselves of the joy of communicating with a child, entrusting their daughter to the care of grandmothers and nannies, Maxim and Tatiana were not ready. Coach Nina Moser also supported young parents. She said that her talented students have already made their contribution to the history of competitive sports, and therefore they have the right to decide for themselves whether to continue performing or not.

Two-time Olympic champions in pair figure skating left professional sports, but did not leave the ice. Figure skaters perform in the ice shows of Ilya Averbukh, coached by the Russian couple Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov. Maxim comments on figure skating competitions, acts as an expert on Match-TV, and participates in television projects dedicated to his favorite sport.
Trankov and Volosozhar, being in parental status, are absolutely happy. They are happy to share in their Internet blogs information about how their child is growing and developing: “Daughter is our main achievement!”.
A charming girl (weight 3, 350 kg, height 51 cm) was born on February 16, 2017 at the Lapino Clinical Hospital. The couple did not plan to give birth together. Emotional and hot Maxim was decided not to take in the maternity wage for one simple reason. Despite the fact that Tatiana has excellent physical endurance, and even surpasses her husband in terms of moral stamina, Trankov always worries about his wife very anxiously: "She is so small and fragile." And Maxim also likes to be able to do everything at once, as in sports, otherwise he can "freak out". So he was left to worry outside the door. He downloaded the series to his iPhone - in case he had to wait a long time. He put on his headphones, didn’t look even half of the episode, they call out: “Daddy, take the baby!”.
When the happy father took little Angelica in his arms (the girl had already chosen the name Angelica), there came a clear realization that now you need to worry twice - he is responsible not only for his wife, but also for this tiny little man. “It was only at that moment that I understood why they say that the birth of a child is a miracle,” says Trankov.
A month and a half later, on the last Saturday of March, the daughter's baptism ceremony took place in the Epiphany Cathedral in Yelokhovo. Tatiana's sister Olga and a close family friend who witnessed the wedding, figure skater Fyodor Klimov, became godparents. When filling out the metrics, the child was given a double surname. “So now, when filling out the documents, and even in the Latin alphabet, it will be fun for everyone,” Tatiana Volosozhar told reporters with a smile.
Family traditions began with a letter that parents wrote to their daughter on her birthday, so that she could later read it and decorate the family album. This touching message is the introduction of the newborn to the outside world:
- how future parents prepared for the birth of a child;
- who surrounded her that day and what was the weather like;
- what happy mom and dad felt when they crossed the threshold of their house, carefully holding the precious envelope with the baby in their hands;
- how the family met the baby, including two wonderful grandmothers;
- how they looked at her, kissed her on the forehead, and with whom they found similarities;
- wrote that she already has her first friend, a loyal and reliable four-legged friend - a spitz named Dexter.
Young parents divided their areas of responsibility: who is in charge of bathing, who gets up at night and bottle feeds, and so on. Lika's patronage program includes reading Pushkin's fairy tales, classical music before bed. Once, trying to understand the child's babble of repeating syllables "ma" "pa" "ba", happy Maxim, recklessly as in sports, exclaimed: "Consider, I won!" The daughter's first clear word was the triple "daddy".

Despite the fact that Tatiana returned to work early, the family is still quite doing without nannies. Mothers of skaters help to take care of the baby. But Tatyana and Maxim do not intend to leave their granddaughter under the supervision of grandmothers for a long time, the child needs to be socialized. To learn how to communicate with children, playing on the playground will soon be insufficient. The parents' plans include a municipal preschool institution. Parents are categorically against any home schooling. They also reject elite education, in order to maximally protect the child from spoiled children, the influence of golden youth. From the traditionally "girly" educational list compiled by Tatyana, which includes music, dances and foreign languages, Maxim insists on excluding the music school. But in one thing they are united: sports will certainly be present in the life of their daughter.
Remembering themselves in childhood, both athletes can definitely say - this is a good school of life. In the autobiography book "Two Sides of a Medal", figure skaters talk about their path in figure skating. The fact that they did not want to take the four-year-old fragile Tanya to the section. And how Maxim was brought to the rink at the age of 4 with the sole purpose of protecting the energetic tomboy from the influence of the street. And only by the age of 12, the shabbat guy turned into an athlete who began to work in training with full dedication.
It is far from a fact that Angelica's future will be associated with professional figure skating. Parents will welcome any sports activities, as long as they please their daughter, correspond to her inclinations and abilities. But she will definitely learn to skate. Trankov takes this for granted - when dad and mom spend so much time at the rink, it is likely that the child will become interested there.
About active children with a fighting character, like Angelica's, they say that they have a sports core. The girl does not sit still, moves a lot. Doesn't retreat until it gets its way. And these are not whims or tantrums, but determination and perseverance.

At the age of 9 months, the baby, who by that time was already actively crawling, had the first comic attribute of a skater - warm booties tied in the form of skates. “There are no teeth yet, but I already have my own skates,” he commented on the photo in his Instagram with the humor characteristic of Maxim. No less than toys, she was attracted by the glitter of real skates. And in the video on social networks, the followers of famous athletes are touched by how the grown-up Lika artistically exercises with a gymnastic ribbon. The Trankov family pays great attention to the physical improvement of the child from the very first days of life: gymnastics, massage, swimming.
A little earlier than the children of other well-known parents in the world of figure skating, Angelica got acquainted with the skating rink. This is evidenced by a family photo from the Novogorsk Olympic Training Center and a video posted by athletes on social networks. A two-year-old girl is skating with her mother, and in her father's reliable hands she literally flies in supports. Do not rush to regard this as PR or the desire of parents for the sake of future sports victories to "deprive the child of childhood." Spending a lot of time at the rink, skaters often take children with them to trainings and performances. Some begin with classes in sports sections, as did Petrova and Tikhonov, Slutskaya, Navka. Others simply teach children to ride and introduce them to their sport (Kostomarov, Domnina, Yagudin). Children go out on the ice without coercion and fear - after all, they are in the hands of their parents, who know everything about the physiology of the child and the psychology of children's sports.

Trankov has a pedagogical education, the topic of his thesis was related to the upbringing of preschool children. In 2015, he gained his first coaching experience, working with a pair of Evgeny Tarasov - Vladimir Morozov. Maxim works with younger athletes as a mentor in the children's "Ice Age". Little Angelica likes it when her dad does exercises, flips, tosses with her, about the same as on the ice. She laughs, is happy, sometimes even asks him to twirl her, turn her. He comes up and tries to climb up his legs - so he wants to get on the arms. Who knows, maybe it was from a mother with genes that a love for high strength elements was passed on?
And the little girl watched the bright and colorful performance of Ilya Averbukh's ice show "Alice in Wonderland" during the New Year holidays, in which her parents take part. In the fairy-tale characters (Maxim Trankov - The Mad Hatter, Tatyana Volosozhar - The White Queen), the child enthusiastically recognized his dad and mom, beautifully sliding on the ice. With such impressions, it's just right to follow them to the skating rink.