Who Participates In The Festival "Arkhangelskoye Jazz Estate"

Who Participates In The Festival "Arkhangelskoye Jazz Estate"
Who Participates In The Festival "Arkhangelskoye Jazz Estate"

Traditionally, on the first summer weekend in the Arkhangelskoye estate near Moscow, the International Music Festival "Estate Jazz" is held. This year it was organized for the ninth time.

Who participates in the festival
Who participates in the festival

"Manor Jazz" is the largest open-air festival in our country, which brings together representatives of such musical directions as jazz, funk, jazz-rock, acid-jazz, blues, world music, lounge, and others. Five stages are open in the estate.

The largest is "Parterre", where guest performers of the world renown perform. This is the largest, but at the same time, as the management of the festival emphasizes, a democratic platform located between the Moskva River and the front yard of the estate. The program at the Parterre venue includes numbers of fashionable representatives of the jazz mainstream, electronic jazz, ethno-jazz, jazz-rock, funk and popular music. Among other things, a brass band of street musicians plays here.

Nearby, in the so-called "Parter Plus" zone, there is the Jazz Club (its program includes performances by young musicians and a jam-session), the Theater of Poets and the Cinema-Jazz cinema. In addition, there is the Art Garage Sale, a handicraft fair, which hosts a variety of master classes, a second-hand bookstore, an exhibition of art objects and much more.

Jazz classics and instrumentalists appear on the Aristocrat academic platform. This scene is located inside the front yard of the Arkhangelskoye estate. The program includes projects of traditional jazz performed by award-winning contemporary musicians, as well as concept projects.

The Caprice scene, which is located in the Yusupov Colonnade, is the territory of rock 'n' roll, rockabilly, swing and blues.

The "Shore" zone on the descent to the river is intended for dj-sets from the best representatives of electronic music, as well as performances by instrumental groups in the style of acid-jazz and lounge.

There are many cafes in the Arkhangelskoye estate during the festival. There is also a guarded parking lot (to the left of the sanatorium entrance).
