Anna Akhmatova's Husband: Photo

Anna Akhmatova's Husband: Photo
Anna Akhmatova's Husband: Photo

Anna Akhmatova was married three times. The longest was the relationship with Vladimir Shileiko. She lived with him in a civil marriage for 15 years. Anna had a son, Leo, born of the first spouse of Nikolai Gumilyov.

Anna Akhmatova's husband: photo
Anna Akhmatova's husband: photo

Anna Akhmatova is a Russian poet of the Silver Age. She was twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, called "the first Russian poetess." For a long time, her work remained unknown to a wide range of readers. This was due only to the fact that in her works she tried to discover the truth, to show reality as it really was.


Anna Akhmatova's first husband

Anna met her first lover at the age of 14. It was the poet Nikolai Gumilyov, who was 17 at the time. For a long time, the young man tried to win the girl's favor, but he was refused in his marriage proposals. Only in 1909 did Anna give her consent, and on April 25, 1910, the couple got married. After the event, the young couple left Paris for 6 months. Interestingly, none of the relatives came to the wedding. Many considered this marriage to be deliberately doomed.

Nikolai Gumilyov and Anna Akhmatova have been married for 8 years. They had a son, Leo. Having received Anna as his wife, Nikolai quickly lost interest in her. He began to travel a lot, spend little time at home. In 1912, the first collection of Akhmatova's poems was published, but in the same year a son was born. The young man was not ready to restrict freedom. Therefore, the mother-in-law took Leo to raise.

When the First World War began, Gumilev went to the front. In 1915 he was wounded, Anna constantly visited him in the hospital. He was actively involved in creative work, he was in no hurry to return to Russia. Therefore, the wife asked him for a divorce. The reason was the marriage with Vladimir Shileiko.


Second marriage of Anna Akhmatova

Vladimir Shileiko - Soviet orientalist, poet, Assyriologist. It was rumored that he remained innocent until his marriage to Anna Akhmatova. The acquaintance began with the poem "Muse", which the young man dedicated to the girl before 1913. Correspondence began between the young people. This led Anna to work on a new cycle of poems called "Black Dream". She tried to formulate her attitude towards her lover in the work "You are always mysterious and new."

Immediately after her divorce from Gumilyov, Anna married Shileiko (1918). For some time, the couple lived in the Sheremetyevsky Palace in Vladimir's room. A little later, the family moved to the Marble Palace, where mainly RAIMK employees lived. The two-room apartment seemed like a luxury apartment. By this time, Anna took her son, who began to live in a new family.

Anna noted the difficult character of her husband. He did not miss the opportunity to play a trick on his wife, noting her weaknesses in the knowledge of foreign languages. A little later, the poetess admits that she did not leave Vladimir, because she saw his madness. As soon as she realized that he could cope without her, she immediately left. The composer Arthur Lurie helped her make her choice, who found Anna a job in the library. After the divorce, Anna lived in the same apartment with Shileiko until mid-1922, maintaining friendly relations with him.


Third husband

The third lover was the art critic Nikolai Punin. The relationship with him lasted 16 years. After parting with Anna, Nikolai would be arrested. He died while imprisoned in Vorkuta. The time spent in this relationship, the poetess did not like to remember. During this period, she practically did not write poetry, she lived in very cramped conditions.

Nikolai and Anna studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The young man was familiar with Akhmatova's first husband, attended a circle of writers organized by him. The first meeting with his future wife took place in 1914. She made a huge impression on the young man. Only in 1921, when Anna broke up with her second husband, Nikolai was noticed. In 1923, Akhmatova moved to live with a young man. However, at that time, he was still in official relations with Anna Arens, so the poet lived in his 4-room apartment with Nikolai's official wife.


Such uncertainty did not suit the art critic, since several families had to be supported. For the first time, Akhmatova decided to part with Punin in 1930. She did not do this, since the common-law husband promised to commit suicide. In 1938, the couple split up, although they continue to live in the same apartment.

Anna already in 1937 struck up a friendship with Vladimir Garshin, which after 1938 grew into a new love. They lived quite a bit, the man himself became the initiator of the break. According to him, the reason for the separation was Garshin's visions. A deceased wife came to them, who warned against marrying Akhmatova.
