How To Draw A Branch Of A Christmas Tree

How To Draw A Branch Of A Christmas Tree
How To Draw A Branch Of A Christmas Tree

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What is a New Year card without a Christmas tree? A festive Christmas tree can be stylized, consisting of some triangles depicted above each other. But you can also draw a fluffy twig, very similar to the real one. Such a twig will not only create a festive mood for the New Year or Christmas, it is appropriate in a homemade children's book about birds and animals, and even as a decoration for a birthday cake.

How to draw a branch of a Christmas tree
How to draw a branch of a Christmas tree

It is necessary

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - watercolors or gouache;
  • - a spruce branch or a picture with its image;
  • - cake;
  • - a little cream;
  • - food colorings of green and brown color.


Step 1

Use a small piece of paper for your New Year's card. The A5 format is fine. You can draw a spruce branch on an album sheet, it all depends on what kind of composition you are going to compose. You can put the sheet as you like. If you want to write some text on it later, do not forget to leave space for it. If desired, the sheet can be tinted. The New Year card also looks good on a black or dark blue background. In this case, the sketch is better done not with a simple pencil, but with white or pale green.

Step 2

Consider a spruce branch. Small branches are located at an acute angle to the main one. Closer to the edge, they become thinner and shorter. If you mentally draw the central lines of each branch, it turns out that they intersect somewhere near the trunk, and diverge to the outer part of the crown.

Step 3

Draw an arbitrary, fairly long line. This will be the master branch. It is very good if it turns out to be a little uneven; living trees have absolutely no straight lines. Sketch with a thin pencil. Draw from the main line 2-3 shorter and diverging to the ends.

Step 4

Draw short sharp needles. If you have colored pencils on hand, draw the first line from the end of the main pencil so that the needle is at a sharp angle. Like the lines of small branches, the needles diverge to the edges. It is better to draw them without taking off the hand, with narrow long teeth. After drawing the first line, immediately start the next in the opposite direction. Before reaching the branch a little, start the second needle. Try drawing zigzags with quick strokes. After finishing the main branch, cover the smaller ones with needles. Strokes can be made shorter. After all the needles are ready, draw the branches with a brown pencil.

Step 5

If you are painting with paints, first trace the brown branches and let them dry. Start drawing the needles in the same way, from that part of the main branch that is closer to the trunk. Draw each needle separately. Move your hand with the brush away from the main branch so that the lines diverge at the end. Lead the second needle and the rest from the main branch.

Step 6

To decorate the cake, mix some cream with food coloring. Draw lines with a thin stick. First fill a paper bag or cooking syringe with brown cream and draw lines. They will turn out to be a little convex. With green cream, paint the needles in the same way as you did it with paint, that is, each one separately.
