Watching a good movie is the perfect time for the whole family. Choose pictures that will be equally interesting for you and your children.

"100 Million Euros" - a comedy about unexpected luck
The film tells about a ridiculous provincial family from a small town. While the head of the family regularly loses his job, and the children are left to themselves, the mother-housewife indulges in the purchase of lottery tickets. And now one of them wins. But deciding what to do with that kind of money isn't easy.
"Kon-Tiki" - a film legend
This adventure picture tells the story of the sea expedition of Thor Heyerdahl, who traveled the distance from South America to Polynesia on a raft. The film tells about the harsh everyday life of a heroic sailor, about good willpower and a dream that is destined to come true.
"Tom Sawyer" - a movie for all ages
Tireless tomboy Tom Sawyer is loved by both adults and children. Watching the film adaptation of Mark Twain's story will be a great occasion to get the whole family together, laugh at Tom's pranks and sincerely be touched during touching moments.
The film "Tom Sawyer" has a sequel - "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", based on another work by Mark Twain.
"Oz the Great and Powerful" - family fantasy
Baum's famous fairy tale, written a couple of centuries ago, is reborn in a full-length film. The movie is worth watching not only because of the fascinating plot, but also because of the vivid special effects: magical lands, mysterious creatures and a sea of real magic will be waiting for you.
"Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf" - a fairy tale based on folk art
An old Russian fairy tale is embodied in a modern cartoon. Will Ivan be able to cope with the intrigues of evil forces and bring “that, I don’t know what”? Of course, if his companion is the fearless Gray Wolf. An abundance of humor, interesting endings and, as always, a happy ending make the cartoon one of the most popular among children and adults.
"Angel next door" - may all wishes come true
The story of a little girl who wants to find a daddy gives confidence that dreams will definitely come true. A wish made for Christmas suddenly begins to come true. And, probably, this does not happen without the help of a Christmas angel. But who he is, the heroine has yet to find out.
Mrs Doubtfire - From the creator of Home Alone
Chris Columbus continues to release family comedies. The film "Mrs. Doubtfire" is about a caring father who, after a divorce, lost the opportunity to see his children. But dad did not become discouraged and, having slightly changed his guise, settled down to his own offspring as nannies.
"Two - me and my shadow" - a classic of the genre
Among the list of numerous variations on the theme of "swapping places" this film takes pride of place. He has been known and loved for about 10 years. Two girls from completely different families, having met by chance, discover an amazing similarity. This leads to fun adventures.
"Moms" - a movie about the most important thing
The Russian picture of 2012 tells about the main person in everyone's life - mom. The film itself is eight different stories, eight unusual congratulations to mothers on International Women's Day. The film is adorned with a stellar cast of popular domestic actors.
I. Vernik, A. Oleshko, S. Bezrukov, D. Dyuzhev, L. Akhedzhakova and other famous actors starred in the film "Moms".
"Beethoven" is one of the kindest films
For a good half of the children who grew up on this film, the name "Beethoven" is associated not with a great composer, but with a huge but kind St. Bernard. The touching adventures of an intelligent dog and its owners will teach kindness, mutual assistance and justice.