Nelly Uvarova's husband is Alexander Grishin, a Russian theater and film actor, better known to the public for his stage works. Alexander, after the start of a serious relationship with Nelly, has noticeably changed, settled down. The married couple have been living together for 8 years, which is considered a serious period in the acting environment.

Education and career of Alexander Grishin
Alexander Grishin was born on July 16, 1974 in the village of Dubovskoye, Rostov Region. He was raised by one mother. The boy met his father after graduation. From childhood, Sasha was drawn to the stage and at one time played in the youth theater. In parallel, he went in for sports: boxing, basketball and football. In his youth, he received grades in these sports, and also defended a candidate for master of sports in athletics.
Therefore, it is not surprising that after graduating from school, Grishin wanted to enter the physical education faculty, but a hip injury forced him to change his mind. Alexander applied to the veterinary faculty of the Agrarian University. The future profession did not arouse enthusiasm in him and he spent more time at rehearsals of the local KVN team. After 3 years of study, Grishin dropped out of the university.
The creative streak did not leave the talented young man alone. At the first opportunity, he left for Moscow and immediately entered GITIS, where he studied acting on the course of Alexei Borodin until 2001.

Immediately after training from the walls of GITIS, Alexander was accepted into the troupe of the Theater in the South-West, after 3 years he moved to the Russian Academic Youth Theater. In parallel, the actor collaborated with an independent project by Vyacheslav Grishechkin and the Stanislavsky Theater. The audience could see him in such resonant performances as "Young People" and "The Master and Margarita".
Has in the career of Alexander Grishin and experience in television. He was invited to participate in the creation of the program "Secrets of the XX century" about historical figures. At one time, the actor voiced the entertainment program "Our Favorite Animals".
Alexander is naturally gifted with a beautiful timbre of his voice, which helps him in his work, and even in competitions of literary readers held by various theatrical universities. He became a laureate three times in similar competitions.
To date, Grishin has played more than twenty roles in TV series and films, here are some of them: "Tender Age", "Service of Happiness", "Star", "Moscow. Central District”,“Russian Amazons 2”,“Trio”,“Soldiers 2”,“My Love”,“Life is a field for hunting”.
Grishin's acquaintance with Nelly Uvarova
The first meeting of young actors took place back in 2003. Alexander Grishin was invited to play the main role of McMurphy in the play "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest." Nelly Uvarova at that time was a very young actress, in this production she played a girl-prostitute.
At rehearsals, the actors met, but they didn't get close. The actor tried to court the girl, but was rejected. As Alexander himself commented on the first meeting in one of the interviews: "I was a boor, a boor, and she is an arrogant, so we parted ways." However, after a few years they met again.

Family life of Nelly Uvarova and Alexander Grishin
At first, the actors communicated as good acquaintances, then as friends, later, when ordinary conversations ceased to be ordinary, they began to meet. Up to this point, eight years of acquaintance have passed.
Both have a background in family life. Nelly Uvarova was previously married to a young director Sergei Pikalov. Alexander Grishin, from a previous marriage, has an eight-year-old son, Andrei, in whom the father does not like a soul.
In 2011, Grishin and Uvarova decided to register their relationship. On April 7, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Iya, they decided to get married a little later. Despite the rumors appearing on the network about the adventures of the quickly addicted and amorous Grishin, the couple continues to live quietly in their family nest.

Alexander Grishin maintains an Internet blog called "Grishki", where he shares the most intimate. His short sketches give out in the actor a finely feeling person, not devoid of a poetic gift. About family and love, he writes: “Love is the feeling on which everything rests … The highest happiness is when you love … So you are alive … Love is a huge work. The main thing for a woman is family, household, husband, but she must certainly be realized in the profession! Only this is the success of family life."
Apparently, his wife Nelly adheres to the same point of view, on November 1, 2016, in confirmation of this, the couple had another child: the son of Ignat. The union of two loving hearts continues.