Kira Proshutinskaya's Husband: Photo

Kira Proshutinskaya's Husband: Photo
Kira Proshutinskaya's Husband: Photo

Kira Proshutinskaya is a person without whom modern Russian television is inconceivable. She was at the origin of dozens of programs and is the co-founder of the country's first private television company ATV. To the new generation of viewers, Proshutinskaya is known primarily as the author and host of the program “Wife. A Love Story , where famous women or the chosen ones of stellar men share their views on relationships and family values. Calling the guests of the program to an honest and frank conversation, Kira Aleksandrovna admits that she would not want to be in their place, since she values the privacy of her personal life too much.

Kira Proshutinskaya's husband: photo
Kira Proshutinskaya's husband: photo

Non-public marriages and family

Proshutinskaya refers to herself as a closed person, so she avoids revelations on personal topics. The public is well aware of the family and creative union of the presenter with the director and producer Anatoly Malkin. However, this marriage was the third in a row for her, and Kira Alexandrovna talks rather sparingly about the first and second marriage. The first time she went to the registry office in her student years, when she studied at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Journalism. As often happens, young spouses very quickly realized that they were in a hurry with family life. However, Proshutinskaya does not regret making a mistake, because her only son, Andrei, was born in this marriage.


By the way, the heir to the TV star followed in her footsteps and also graduated from the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. For a long time he worked at ATV as the CEO. The proud mother said that her son at work has the nickname "One Hundred Percent of Reliability", because you can rely on him in any situation. After leaving ATV, Andrey was a news producer on the Podmoskovye channel, and then switched to the Culture channel. Since Proshutinskaya once dreamed of becoming an actress, she is a little sorry that her son also did not use his creative potential. After all, he sings beautifully, reads poetry, plays the guitar.


Perhaps one of the granddaughters of Kira Alexandrovna will choose the entertainment sphere: she has three of them. The eldest of the girls has already graduated from MGIMO and plans to connect her life with the museum business. The middle granddaughter is still getting higher education, and the youngest is not even going to school yet.

After parting with her first husband, Proshutinskaya remarried when her son was 6 years old. The second husband of Kira Alexandrovna actually replaced Andrey's own father and maintained warm relations with his stepson even after he divorced his mother. The TV presenter once admitted that her son adores his stepfather and affectionately calls him "dad". Her second husband worked in the diplomatic service, their marriage lasted quite a long time, and ended at the initiative of Proshutinskaya.

Third husband and companion

While in her second marriage, Kira Alexandrovna met her future third husband, Anatoly Malkin. She was successful, lived in abundance, but was not afraid to risk material assets for the sake of love. Although Malkin did not have a permanent job at that time and had little to offer her, Proshutinskaya left her legal spouse for him. She fell in love and did not want to keep the family just for her own comfort.


Gradually, with her third husband, Kira Alexandrovna achieved success, stability, material prosperity. In 1988, they created an independent television company ATV, which presented the viewers with such programs as "Namedni", "We", "Vremechko", "Detective Show", "Chronograph", "Staraya kvartira" and many others. Proshutinskaya appreciated his wife's ability to instill confidence in her. In turn, she tried to be a good housewife for Malkin and a faithful companion at work. However, the TV presenter is still convinced that a woman needs to spare male pride and not try to be equal with the stronger sex.


Kira Aleksandrovna remembers her third marriage with warmth and gratitude. Unfortunately, this family union fell apart after more than 30 years of marriage. The couple divorced in the fall of 2012. In their application for divorce, they indicated that they had not been in a common household for a long time and did not live together. According to journalists, Malkin settled in a country house, and his wife chose to stay in a metropolitan apartment. Taking into account the mutual desire of the spouses, the court made the decision on divorce after the first hearing.

There were various rumors about the reasons for the separation of the star couple. Proshutinskaya herself once remarked in an interview that her husband "could not stand the test of my illness." In 2010, she suffered a stroke, after which she could remain disabled. At a difficult moment, Malkin did not provide his wife with proper support. According to rumors, he even developed a love interest on the side. So a divorce was inevitable.

New life

After parting with her third husband, Kira Alexandrovna had to start a new life. She was gradually recovering not only her health, but also a shaken career. After all, the TV presenter decided to leave her native ATV television company. However, she managed to become interesting to the audience, as an independent creative unit, having come up with the project “Wife. Love story.


Using the example of her heroines, Proshutinskaya likes to talk about the ideal family and the role of a woman in a couple. Having met with dozens of very different heroines, she understands that each of them has her own concept of female happiness, which consists in adoring her husband, dissolving in children, and striving to recognize her own merits. However, unlike the guests of the program, Kira Alexandrovna herself is not ready for frank conversations for a large audience. She calls herself a closed person, and prefers to share personal experiences with only a few close friends. Therefore, Proshutinskaya will most likely reject an offer to participate in a program of this format.
