Is It Possible To Decoupage The Refrigerator

Is It Possible To Decoupage The Refrigerator
Is It Possible To Decoupage The Refrigerator

Like any other item, the refrigerator can be decorated using decoupage technique. The main criterion for successful operation is the cleanliness of the refrigerator surface.


Preparation and materials

The surface must be prepared for the application of decoupage, namely, it must be thoroughly cleaned of all types of contamination. If desired, you can lightly sandpaper the enamel, this will improve the adhesion of the elements to the metal surface. The essence of decoupage is in the harmonious arrangement of pictures cut out of paper on the surface, and the choice of good glue and varnish for the durability of such work.

You can use any pictures for cutting and sticking to the surface. They use napkins, special decoupage cards and clippings from books and magazines. In this case, you need to make sure that there are no letters on the back of the cut that will shine through. If there are letters, you need to carefully remove a thin layer of paper from them.

The glue can be used as ordinary PVA, as well as special adhesives for metal and enamel. Their disadvantage is their high cost and insufficient information about whether they have a tendency to turn yellow after application. In addition, many of them can fade the drawing on the paper. PVA glue with good coverage with several layers of varnish meets all the requirements and is well suited for decoupage of all surfaces.

Decoupage brushes use hard and flat, synthetics or bristles. Even paint brushes can be used on large surfaces such as a refrigerator. It is best to use clear acrylic varnish.

Completing of the work

Decoupage napkins are most often used large and three-layer. Only the uppermost layer with pictures is taken into work, which is carefully separated from the rest before use. You can cut the used fragment both before and after separating the layers, it does not really matter. It should only be noted that a thin single layer of a napkin is more difficult to cut than all three together, there is a greater risk of tearing thin paper with a careless movement.

Adhesion proceeds from the middle to the edges, quickly and neatly to avoid bubbles. It is not recommended to brush over a napkin or paper several times - you can ruin a soggy and pliable drawing and even inadvertently tear it. The composition is covered with varnish only after complete drying, all subsequent layers of varnish are also applied.

When using thick paper, you can do without PVA glue, using only varnish. To do this, the cut out picture is varnished and dried. Then the acrylic layer is moistened with water and it is glued to the refrigerator. In this case, additional layers of varnish are also required, and they are made at least 3.