Rubik's Cube is the most popular puzzle. Adults and children can sit for hours and flip the edges of this multi-colored cube. This ingenious creation is not so easy to assemble. The huge number of starting positions does not give direct instructions for assembly, but every lover of this puzzle should have a general idea of the assembly process.

Step 1
Collect the cross on the top of the puzzle. This will be one of the starting points for the subsequent assembly. First of all, you need to choose the color of the cross. Focus on the existing color, which will be located in the middle of the future cross. Next, twist the edges until a line of one color passes through the center of the upper edge. Then it remains to collect one cube from the edges. Next, you need to assemble the colors of the continuation of the cross. To do this, you need two colors of a different spectrum, which will be a continuation of the cross on other faces.
Step 2
Start assembling the top face. First, color the bottom left cube to the color of the cross. Move the left side counterclockwise, the bottom clockwise, and the left clockwise. If this does not help, then use two other operations:
1) front face - counterclockwise, lower face - counterclockwise, front face - clockwise.
2) front edge - counterclockwise, right - counterclockwise, bottom - clockwise (2 times), right - clockwise, front - clockwise.
As a result, you will collect the desired color of the lower left cube. For the other three, do the same.
Step 3
Assemble the bottom face. Any of the side cubes of the front face must be turned down to the bottom face. For example, the assembly of the side left cube. The letter "T" has formed on the front face, and under it there will just be a cube of a different color. Turn the bottom edge counterclockwise. The left side is rotated clockwise, the bottom - clockwise, the left - counterclockwise, the bottom - clockwise. There are three more moves left. The front edge of the puzzle is flipped counterclockwise, the bottom - counterclockwise, the front - clockwise. The remaining three cubes of the bottom face are brought to the same color in the same way.
Step 4
Flip the puzzle to the left one side. The front edge should now stay in place, and the bottom edge should be flipped so that it becomes the top edge. Do not move the edges themselves, only the cube itself is subject to movement. Twist the top edge clockwise, the front edge clockwise, the right edge clockwise, the top edge clockwise, the right edge counterclockwise, the top edge counterclockwise, and the front edge counterclockwise. Now collect the remaining colors. First of all, collect the two bottom faces, then proceed with assembling the cross on the top face. In the end, you will have to collect only one side of the puzzle.