Despite the fact that today less and less people use regular mail, preferring to send emails, many often need paper envelopes - in such envelopes you can send notes, store money, and also a convenient paper envelope can be used as packaging for a CD recorded manually on the computer. There are several ways to make a paper envelope.

Step 1
To fold an envelope for storing CDs and DVDs, take a sheet of A4 paper of any color, then fold it diagonally so that you get a blank with two spaced corners and a common fold.
Step 2
Lay the folded sheet in front of you on a flat surface with the fold towards you, and then fold the workpiece in half from right to left, aligning the right corner of the figure with the left corner. Unfold the workpiece. Fold the upper corner of the front triangle towards yourself at a slight angle, and bend the upper corner of the back triangle back.
Step 3
The space between the folds should be at least 12 cm. Now insert the corners into each other - your envelope will be ready. Its advantage over other types of envelopes is that there are two compartments in such an envelope, which means that you can store and carry two disks in it, ensuring their safety.
Step 4
There is another easy way to make an envelope - it will suit you if you want to make an envelope for a greeting card or a friendly letter. Take a square sheet of paper of any size - the larger the sheet, the larger the envelope will be; bend the square diagonally.
Step 5
Then make another fold in the middle of the sheet, so that the bent corner touches the bent diagonal, and then fold a third of the length of the sheet and align the corner with the right edge. Fold the corner back to the left where the folded left and right thirds of the sheet meet, then open the corner and flatten it into a small pocket. Fold the top of the envelope and insert it into the resulting pocket. The envelope is ready.