It happens that one day it does not come. A long, long time ago. But you have to work. 5 practical tips to get him back.

It happens that one day it does not come. A long, long time ago. But you have to work. 5 practical tips to get him back.
Make yourself work
If you are an artist, paint. Writer - write. They say that appetite comes with eating. And this is absolutely true. If you have no reason to be depressed, then the fact that you work when you don't feel like working, and thereby make the most difficult victory - victory over yourself, will inspire you.
Find something radically new for yourself and forget about your creativity for a while. Take up the study of a foreign language. Go to an art gallery if you're not an artist. Read a book if you are an artist but not a writer. Plant a ficus tree and learn to care for it. In short, do what you've never done before.
Meet old friends
You know, plunge into the real world is sometimes like shock therapy. You look at other people and you realize that, in general, everything is not so bad with you. The world is beginning to acquire new shades that inspire. And this is not the same thing with "Switch", because you remain in your world, it just suddenly begins to collide with the worlds of other people.
We drive ourselves like horses both at work and in creativity. Getting enough sleep is a prerequisite for high-quality brain function. As well as to eat. And if hunger sometimes stimulates people to action, then the lack of healthy sleep can only stimulate sleep. And then to the accumulation of fatigue, apathy and depression. Therefore, as they say, in any incomprehensible situation, go to bed.
If none of the above helps, then this option will definitely work. All you have to do is turn off your brain. Absolutely. This is not as easy as it might seem. Turning off your brain is like turning off your computer. In fact, it is necessary to stop any supply of information to it. Therefore, movies, books or conversations are not suitable here. You must isolate yourself from the whole world for at least a day. In familiar conditions, for example, at home. The hardest part will be giving up your phone. You need to turn it off and not turn it on until you complete your isolation. What to do this day, you ask. Anything - I will answer. Sleep, drink tea, listen to your thoughts, do push-ups, but do not take any information into the brain. It will be hard. But in a day, a rested brain will give you bonuses. You will return to this world as a different person, inspired and ready to be creative. The only thing to consider when applying this technique is that it takes time to load the brain, like a computer. Don't jump right in to business. Feel when he is ready - after all, right after that he will give you a whole batch of ideas.