Winning a prize means suddenly getting rich, getting some expensive thing, becoming famous. However, prizes do not fall from the sky. They still need to be earned. Usually, prizes are received by participants in competitions, contests, and various Olympiads. So to get a prize, you have to sweat.

Step 1
Choose a competition you like. Your choice will be determined by your age (for example, adults will clearly not be able to take part in school Olympiads), sphere of interests (chess players will probably not enter the competition for fashion designers if they are not interested in both), profession, place of residence, and so on. Browse the internet for a list of contests you can participate in, and what kind of prize you want to win - for example, a latest model BMW or a bag of candy?
Step 2
You can choose the competition that best suits your interests. The field here is incredibly wide. If you are a gamer, participate in competitions within any one game. If you feel like a writer, submit your works to the competition and receive an award. If you are writing in LiveJournal, look for users who hold various competitions among their readers, where the prize is often a "tadpole" - a special icon that appears next to the username. The possibilities are endless, there would be a desire.
Step 3
You can try your luck in various quizzes and contests organized by shopping and entertainment centers on weekends, usually timed to coincide with certain holidays and significant dates. There, more often than not, deep knowledge of the topic is not required from you, you just need to think quickly and have time to answer before others. Prizes are distributed by some boutiques and shops that rent premises in a particular shopping center. Therefore, do not forget that all these amusements are arranged a priori as advertising.
Step 4
If you are a student or listener of courses, then take part in various Olympiads, where knowledge of foreign languages or other subjects is tested. Depending on the organization that holds the competition, the prizes also vary: from a trip abroad to a letter of thanks. Therefore, be guided by your capabilities and desires and choose the appropriate Olympiad.
Step 5
You can go into sports and gain fame there. The prizes you won in sports will then sit on the shelf and photographers will shoot you in front of them. Only here there is one drawback: if you want to get into big sports, you need to start from early childhood and put your whole life on. And if you became interested in skiing or cycling at a more mature age, then most likely you will only be able to participate in amateur competitions of a small scale.