Honored coach of Russia in figure skating Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is firmly convinced that children are the main people on earth. And her whole life confirms the validity of the famous saying that the mother is not the one who gave birth, but the one who raised and raised.

Leisurely correspondents often ask Tatiana Tarasova a question: "Is a successful career really worth depriving yourself of the joy of motherhood?" The woman replies that she was prevented from becoming a mother by the eternal feeling that this will still succeed much later. And it so happened that in the transience of being, this notorious "later" did not come. But, on the other hand, an outstanding figure skating coach admits that the absence of her own children helped her fully delve into the profession and prepare so many champions. It can definitely be argued that Tarasova's parental potential is fully realized in her favorite “figure” (this is how the coach calls his favorite sport). For her, all the students are like children - they are called among the skaters in a family way - gibberish.

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is the most titled mentor in the world of figure skating. Having started working at the age of 19, she became the youngest athlete to be awarded the title of Honored Trainer of the USSR. In her professional piggy bank there are more than 60 champion medals. An innovative coach who is not afraid of bold experiments with music and the creation of new elements of pair skating, she did not return from any of the Olympics without awards. Among the 12 figure skaters who became Olympic champions under her leadership: Irina Rodnina - Alexander Zaitsev, Natalia Bestemyanova - Andrey Bukin, Oksana Grishchuk - Evgeny Platov, Marina Klimova - Sergey Ponomarenko, Alexey Yagudin, Ilya Kulik. One of the first pairs of trainers was Tatiana Voytyuk and Vecheslav Zhigalin. Tarasova calls her favorite student Yagudin, who, under her emotional maternal "Alyoshenka, my little son," went from a "flying stool" to an athlete whose name is entered into the Figure Skating Hall of Fame.
For their taras (as Tatyana Anatolyevna's pupils are called), the coach is a mountain:
- In 1988, she was not afraid to come into conflict with the Sports Committee over the salaries of the skaters, which is why she actually lost her job.
- Without hesitation, he can spend his personal money on costumes or new music for the wards, as long as they have all the best.
- The skaters remembered the marriage of the couple Moiseev ‒ Minenkov and the wedding of Natalia Bestemyanova, at which the coach was a witness and the main guest.
- And the story of the cocker spaniel that Lyosha Yagudin dreamed of? The puppy was promised to the student as a gift if he jumps cleanly ten quadruple jumps. The stubborn athlete achieved results, and the promise was immediately fulfilled.
- Truly maternal was Tarasova's desire to feed everyone. She always adored cooking and treating everyone around - the guys still remember basins of Olivier.
- For more than 20 years, the mentor has been supporting a girl from an orphanage, who now has two of her own children.
So Tatyana Anatolyevna still spends a huge supply of maternal love for its intended purpose, enveloping everyone who is next to her with it.
Working on an ice floe
Among the skaters of all generations there are those for whom Tatyana Anatolyevna was and remains the best coach and mother. But there were those who wished her "to go to the cemetery as soon as possible." Tarasyats are different guys, and the relationship in the tandem trainer-student develops individually. Moreover, the mentor's character is cool, maximalism is in everything. There are no semitones here, Tarasova loves backhand and hits backhand too. At the same time, a talented coach has an amazing ability not only to demand results, but to genuinely rejoice at what the athlete is doing. And when everything that has been going for a long time turns out, she applauds and after the performance “is ready to throw herself on the ice as a souvenir”.
“My whole life consists of the lives of my students” - this is how Tarasova writes on the pages of her book “Beauty and the Beast”, where she talks about love without a trace for the “figure” and skaters. Tatyana Anatolyevna knows each of her pupils thoroughly, knows and feels. And each student lives their life.

Those whom Tarasova began to train when she was not yet twenty, addressed her by name. For the next generation, the mentor was Aunt Tanya, and for the youth on the ice she is like a mother. With age, it never even occurred to anyone to say something like "grandmother" to this energetic, life-affirming person. The wards invented for Tarasova a respectful and respectful - TAT. And this is so important - to forget how old you are and to know what you live for.
On the occasion of the 70th birthday of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova, Channel One showed the documentary television film "The Ice I Live By". It is about the fact that figure skaters have everything concentrated at the rink: the joys of victories and the bitterness of defeats; injuries and pneumonia due to hours of work in damp air; passions and emotions that can melt the ice. And the legendary coach, not knowing how tired he is, “stands, sits and hangs on the side”, because in her head there is always this music that she lives by and these children who need it. “I have to see them, reveal them, force them, I have to help them take this life into their own hands,” she said.

Today Tarasova is the chairman of the jury for the children's seasons of the All Stars and Ice Age shows. In 2018, with her participation, a new project “Children on Ice. Stars". The tournament "For the prizes of the Honored Coach of Russia T. A. Tarasova" is being held in Perm. In the circle of a large ice family, the famous TAT celebrates most of its holidays and birthdays. “We live and work on an ice floe, that's why we are doing well. And they are cheerful and energetic so as not to freeze,”Tatyana Anatolyevna answers journalists' questions with a sly smile, wrapping herself in her traditional scarf.
Our roots are in the family
In her first book, The Four Seasons, the famous figure skating mentor writes: “My family is the beginning of my life and coaching destiny.” In the Tarasov family, with its discipline, subordination of all actions to the success of one, there were other traditions. First of all, it is so unfashionable today to maintain family ties, even very distant ones. The thread that binds everyone together was friendship. As a rule, friends of each of the family members became common. And the basis of the Tarasov family was an extraordinary love and care for each other - everyone thought first of all not about himself, but about those who were nearby.
As for the upbringing of children, with all its severity, it was quite democratic. Children perfectly understand their parents if they, being demanding, do not put pressure on them, leaving the freedom of choice. Anatoly Vladimirovich and Nina Grigorievna never allowed themselves to break into the personal lives of their daughters. When girls got married or got divorced - no questions or attempts to dissuade. Households did not rattle Tatyana's soul, raising in memory the circumstances of the tragic death of her second husband or discussing the issue of her having no children. What is the point of reminding about what happened when nothing can be changed? The loved ones must be respected and protected.

Tarasova says that it has always been important for her to live with a family. In this sense, she was absolutely realized in marriage with Vladimir Krainev. The spouses have lived in perfect harmony for 33 happiest years. But fate can be ruthless and unfair, especially to strong people. It so happened that, with a difference of a year, one after another passed away everyone who, after the death of her father, was the meaning of life and support for Tatyana - her sister, mother, husband. “And so I was left alone in this world, and, as it were, for my dad,” said the woman, upon whom so many tragedies fell. From the closest relatives of the legendary coach, now only his nephew Alexei. Having lost her family, she seemed to have lost her core. But there were those who needed her nearby - her students. An outstanding coach and educator devotes all his time and energy to them.
Sports dynasty of the Tarasovs
Over time, the master of sports of the USSR of international class and Honored Coach of Russia Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova, along with the title of "main champion", received another assessment of her success and merits - "the great daughter of a great father."
The highest mark of her work for Tatiana was to get the approval of her father. So that he admits that his daughter justifies the surname, which has become a symbol of achievements on the ice. But Tarasov, in principle, never praised anyone. He believed that it is the duty of every person to do a good job. What is there to praise for? The brilliance of all orders and medals was overshadowed by the only avaricious phrase in his entire life, sounded from the lips of a man who in the world of sports was called Everest among coaches. After another victory of Tarasova's students at the Olympic Games, already 3 in her coaching biography, he finally said to his daughter: "Hello, colleague!"
Tatyana Anatolyevna has not only Tarasov's dedication to her work and an iron character inherited from her father. He taught his daughter to be faithful to family, friends, students. Tarasov was a maximalist in everything, never succumbed to circumstances. In this sense, the daughter also went to her father. She considered the restoration of justice and a worthy assessment of the contribution of A. V. Tarasov to the development of Soviet hockey as a matter of life. And after a ten-year battle with municipal deputies, a victory was won - a monument to the creator of the "Red Machine" was erected in front of the LDS CSKA. The great daughter of the great father says that after this she smiles every morning and then wakes up.
Now Tatyana Anatolyevna dreams of seeing another hockey player Tarasov play for the army team. And this desire has a chance to be realized.

With incredible care and attention she surrounds the son of her older sister Galina and his three children from their first marriage. Alexey was Anatoly Vladimirovich's only and endlessly beloved grandson. In the courtyard team created by his grandfather, he trained endurance from childhood and studied collectivism, but did not go into professional sports. His abilities were realized in another way - after graduating from the Institute of Foreign Languages, he became a translator, he knows Italian and English brilliantly. At the present time, Alexey is the head of the "Club of young hockey players" Golden Puck "named after A. V. Tarasova ". His youngest son Fedor is a future hockey player. A guy cuts circles at a breathtaking speed in a hockey rink while playing sports in the CSKA ice rink. In the team, Fedor is assigned number 10, the same as that of his famous great-grandfather.
Tatyana Anatolyevna loves her grand-nephews and does everything to ensure that they grow up worthy of the memory of her legendary father. The one who said that life is a debt that we take from parents and give to our children and grandchildren is right.