Cate Blanchett is a recognized star and a real beauty with charm and charisma. She has repeatedly hit the lists of the most stylish women and is rightfully considered the standard of taste. An actress of this rank is expected to be shocking, stormy romances, and a vibrant personal life. However, Kate does not indulge the tabloids with scandals and intrigues: she has been married for a long time, has children and does not plan to change.

Dating history

According to numerous tabloid journalists, Kate leads a rather boring and orderly life. She has been married to journalist Andrew Upton since 997, and the marriage was officially registered just a year after they met. As usual, the actress and screenwriter met on the set. In an interview, Kate said that the feeling arose almost instantly and was mutual. After the first meeting, the couple almost never parted.
Many fans were surprised that Blanchett chose this particular person: not too handsome, not particularly famous. Upton is well known in the theatrical environment, he acted as a screenwriter and director of numerous plays and never aspired to a film career. However, the meeting with his future wife changed his fate, from 1999 to 2015 he shot several works, highly praised by critics. Upton's film career went uphill after the film "Secrets of Lost Souls." The screenwriter became famous in Hollywood, they began to recognize him and ceased to be considered just the husband of the famous Kate. By the way, in the star picture of Upton there was a place for his wife, she played one of the main roles. Andrew's work has been awarded prestigious awards, and he is not going to stop there, planning new projects.
Family life

In the first years after the wedding, the couple lived in Sydney, then briefly moved to London. To return to Australia in a few years. Business life was firmly intertwined with personal, the couple founded the Sydney Theater Company. The project did not bring much income: the journalists were sure that the project was invented especially for Upton, who always considered theater to be the main business of his life. The joint business took a lot of time, but very united the family. In an interview, Kate admitted that she and her husband had one mail for two, and he himself always trusted his wife to solve the most important questions. However, recently the actress decided to resign her managerial powers: creativity turned into a routine, for which there was simply not enough time and effort.
Cate Blanchett is a model of well-being and moderation. She is interested in yoga and Pilates and has no bad habits. Regular detox therapy and moderation in food help the actress maintain a flawless figure. It is necessary to follow the form, because Kay is a happy mother of three sons. Looking at her fragile figure, this cannot be said, a mother with many children always looks great.
Close friends say that the actress is a real perfectionist, trying to keep everything around her flawless. This rule also applies to the family. In the best traditions of Hollywood celebrities, the sons of Kate and Andrew received unusual names: Dashil John. Roman Robert and Ignatus Martin. When the children grew up a little, the family was replenished with the adopted daughter of Edith Vivian Patricia. The actress claims that with so many children she absolutely does not need fitness: active offspring does not allow her to sit idle. By the way, the initiative for adoption came from Kate: she always dreamed of a daughter.
Keith and Andrew devote a lot of time to family and children. Due to the busy filming schedule, Blanchett is often forced to be absent from home, leaving, she prefers to take the children with her. Kate is sure that children should not be left alone at such a difficult age, and it is not so difficult to find a suitable school.
Kate's schedule does not always coincide with Upton's work schedule, the spouses have to leave. These breaks are not beneficial to family life. Photos of the screenwriter in the company of spectacular girls are increasingly appearing in the tabloids.
Scandals and rumors

Upton's betrayal of his impeccable wife is a topic that periodically pops up on the pages of the yellow media. One of the most famous episodes is the alleged affair with the young actress Harriet Dyer. Andrew met her at the Sydney Theater Company, where they both worked. The couple was repeatedly seen in bars, Upton and Harriet were completely absorbed in each other and communicated quite freely. However, the alleged romance remained in the rumor category without reliable confirmation. Mutual friends Andrew and Keith declined to comment on the situation.
Blanchett herself remains completely calm, not making public scandals. It is not known whether she believes in her husband's infidelities: the couple still appears together. Ill-wishers claim that the only thing that holds the family together is the children and Kate's amazing self-control. She firmly decided to keep her marriage and does not deviate from the scenario she once chose. How the joint story will end is unknown. Remarkable. That Kate herself does not give reasons for investigation. She does not start romances on the side and does not give an opportunity to suspect herself of even an insignificant affair.