Singer Anna Semenovich is still in search of her soul mate. The girl has no children yet, but she already dreams of a family and several heirs at once.

The journalists managed to find out that Anna Semenovich never got married officially. The girl's passport is clean from the stamps of the registry office. But this does not mean at all that the singer did not have a serious long-term relationship.
First novels
Today, very little information is known about the first loves of the busty star. The girl herself does not like to talk about them and only notes that she simply did not think about boys as a teenager. All Semenovich's free time was devoted to sports.
Due to health problems in early childhood, doctors recommended the girl to exercise regularly. The parents of the future star sent her to figure skating. At first, Anna was not very carried away by ice, but gradually she became involved and even began to win various awards in ice skating competitions. A sports university was also chosen for her.
In his student years, Semenovich managed to reach a professional level in sports. The girl began to travel to competitions in other countries. For example, she visited Japan, Italy, Poland, the USA. At that time, men began to pay attention to the beauty with skates under the arm. But Anna did not start novels and replied that she was in love exclusively with ice.
Not without talking about Semenovich's relationship with figure skating partners. Most actively she was credited with an affair with Roma Kostomarov. Journalists vied with each other that young people meet in secret. It is still not known for certain whether there was something more between the athletes than friendly relations. Anna herself diligently laughs it off on this topic.
The first serious novel
In 98, young Anya met Daniil Mishin. The young man helped her out in a situation when Semenovich refused to sell alcohol in one of the Moscow bars. Later, at the table, the young people got into conversation and felt mutual sympathy. Daniel, inspired by the beauty of his new acquaintance and a couple of strong cocktails, even immediately made a marriage proposal to the future star. Anya only laughed in response, but agreed to continue the acquaintance.

After the second date outside the club, the couple began a relationship. Anna and Daniel met regularly, went on dates, talked a lot and laughed. After a couple of weeks, the lovers began to discuss their own wedding and informed their parents about their plans.
Mom and Dad Semenovich were not happy with the potential son-in-law. They were embarrassed by Mishin's age (he is 5 years older than the girl) and his turbulent past. Anna's family especially did not like that Daniel had already been married and divorced. But the prohibitions of the parents had no effect on the athlete.

Semenovich and Mishin began to live together. They postponed the wedding for some time. Even then, at the very beginning of the relationship, Daniel began to hint to Anya that with her appearance and pleasant voice, she could become a popular singer. And he just always dreamed of trying himself as a producer. At first, Semenovich treated the proposal of a loved one as a joke. The girl began to think seriously about the singer's career only after she received a sports injury. Mishin created a musical group for his beloved, but the man did not have enough money and useful acquaintances. Anna quickly realized that the chosen one would not make her a star and began to punch the way in this direction herself.
What about today?
Semenovich was lucky, she managed to become one of the soloists of the "Brilliant" group. From that moment on, the popularity of the busty beauty grew every day. The girl disappeared on tour for weeks and did not see her lover. In addition, the new friends began to unanimously tell Anya that it was time for her to find a wealthier and more prominent companion.
It is unclear whether Semenovich listened to her entourage or something else happened, but in the end she broke up with Mishin. Today, former lovers don't communicate. Daniel already has a family, and he himself is far from show business.
But Anna still has not married and has not given birth to children. Recently, the girl began to state in an interview that she already dreamed of a family. Previously, she was only interested in work.

Semenovich is regularly credited with all new secret novels. For example, it was recently assumed that she was dating the idol of youth - Huseyn Hasanov. But this information was never confirmed.