Definition Of Vector Marriages

Definition Of Vector Marriages
Definition Of Vector Marriages

What are vector marriages? Who can become a partner in such a relationship. When and under what conditions such a union can occur. For what fate gives these tests.

Definition of vector marriages
Definition of vector marriages

No matter how a person treats fortune-telling, various magical practices and astrology, he is not immune from the influence of external forces and unusual phenomena in his life. So the concept of vector marriage is such an inexplicable phenomenon that you can believe or not believe in, but once you get into it, you will be dragged into a cycle of events from which it will be difficult to get out.

If you pay attention, a person manifests his potential mainly in relationships with others, but at the same time the social environment may not allow the individual's abilities to unfold. The study of human relations is engaged not only in psychology, but also in astrology. It was from astrology that the concept of vector marriage came, it was she who explained this confusing phenomenon.

Vector marriage is a union of two representatives of the eastern horoscope, which is a chaotic and emotional, indefinable relationship.

This marriage is a master-servant couple. These relationships are very fast-paced, emotional and destructive personalities. In this alliance, the "owner" takes the leading role, which gives his character such traits as: imperiousness, exactingness, cruelty. It takes a lot of energy and strength from the partner. The "servant" in this union has a secondary role and all that remains for him is to obey. Sometimes he becomes capricious and infantile, unable to step into a step without a "master". In this case, this relationship persists for years. It is impossible to predict the development of a marriage and it is impossible to understand when it will end. But when finished, he will squeeze all the juices out of two, turning their inner foundations and making them different.

Vector connections

The first representative of the eastern horoscope is the "master" and the second is the "servant". They all form a vector ring.







Bull Dog;


Rooster Cat;

Dragon Cat;




Ability to save vector marriage

Most often, these marriages break up, but there is a possibility of their preservation. This will take a lot of patience and effort. Each of the partners must realize their role and learn to live with it.

The “servant” should forget about his selfish “I” and accept the “master” as the main thing in the relationship. The "owner" at this time must take full responsibility for what is happening on himself. In this case, you can build long-term harmonious relationships.

Children born in such marriages are very often creative people, but at the same time chaotic and uncontrollable, like this marriage itself.
