How Adolf Hitler Died

How Adolf Hitler Died
How Adolf Hitler Died

This man instilled fear in Europe. Columns of fascist young men led by him seized one country after another, almost without meeting resistance. And only the Land of Soviets put up stubborn resistance to the invaders. After a turning point in hostilities, the Germans had to retreat, losing their conquered positions. When the valiant Soviet troops entered Berlin, the Fuehrer of the German nation took his own life in despair.

How Adolf Hitler died
How Adolf Hitler died

Reich Chancellor of Nazi Germany

Adolf Hitler is the organizer of one of the most totalitarian dictatorships, a German military and political figure, the creator of the theory of National Socialism. Hitler was born into an ordinary family on the border of Germany and Austria. He did not shine with particular success in his school years. And he had no talent.

At a very young age, Hitler, unable to continue his education, went to serve in the army. And almost immediately he was sent to the front. It was during the imperialist war that his political ideas were born and strengthened, which later formed the basis of the theory of fascism. Hitler quickly distinguished himself in the service and received the rank of corporal.

Returning from the front in 1919, Hitler became a full member of the young German Workers' Party, where he rapidly moved up. After a couple of years, he becomes a party leader. From that moment on, Hitler began to actively promote nationalist ideas, using the party apparatus and eloquence for these unseemly purposes.


Soon, Hitler, in alliance with like-minded people, attempted a putsch. However, the operation to seize power failed. Hitler ended up in prison. Here from under his pen came the famous work "My Struggle". In the book, the leader of the German fascists outlined his vision of the future of the country and the world as a whole. Hitler's work reflected all the main ideas of the Fuehrer, which later guided him in his policy.

In 1933, Hitler legally came to power, having received the coveted post of Reich Chancellor of the country. The Fuhrer's path to world domination began. After gaining power, Hitler began to pursue an extremely tough domestic policy: any opposition political parties (except for the National Socialist association) were banned, the communists and the Jewish population were persecuted. Concentration camps were created en masse in the country, and the positions of the secret police were strengthened.

In 1938, Nazi Germany began to conquer the world. Austria and Czechoslovakia were the first to suffer. Then the bloody Second World War broke out; during it, Europe was almost completely conquered and the Soviet Union was attacked. It was only thanks to the dedication and courage of the peoples of the USSR that the brown plague was stopped. In the spring of 1945, Hitler's regime fell, and the bloody dictator himself committed suicide.


Death of the possessed Fuhrer

In the last years of the war, Hitler, his girlfriend Eva Braun and the administration of the country and the army were in a special bunker. When it became clear that parts of the Soviet troops were inexorably approaching the Fuhrer's lair, and the days of the "great empire" were numbered, Hitler began to prepare for suicide. He demanded that many people in his circle give him their word that they would never allow his remains to get to the enemy.

Poison was prepared for suicide. However, the Fuhrer feared that this tool might misfire. Therefore, Hitler ordered to test the effect of the poison on his beloved shepherd dog. The poison worked. Hitler indifferently looked at the animal's corpse and ordered his employees to gather in the hall to say goodbye to him.

The haggard and hunched dictator silently walked around the line of his associates, shaking hands with each of them. Hitler did not respond to appeals to him, being immersed in his own thoughts.

Preparing to die, the Fuhrer gave instructions to find a couple of hundred liters of gasoline. He had supper at two in the morning. At the same time, his secretaries and cooks were present. In those very minutes, Soviet sergeants Yegorov and Kantaria set up the Red Banner on the dome of the Reichstag, which was located not far from Hitler's bunker.

Time - April 30, 1945, about half past three in the morning. Having once again said goodbye to his comrades-in-arms, the stooped Fuhrer disappeared outside the door of his room. Opinions about what happened after that differ from one researcher to another. The testimonies of the witnesses are contradictory and cannot give an accurate picture of the events.


Most of the witnesses stated that there was a single shot outside the door. Immediately after that, the head of the Fuhrer's guard entered the room. Hitler, in a crumpled position, sat on the sofa with his face covered in blood. On his lap was a revolver. Eva Braun was next to the Fuhrer: she found the strength to take an ampoule of poison. Soviet researchers claim that Hitler also died after taking poison. Differences of opinion cannot call into question the main fact: the German leader committed suicide.

The bodies of Hitler and his girlfriend were carried out into the yard, doused with gasoline and set on fire. When the flame from the thrown rag shot up, everyone present gave a salute to their late leader. A few hours later, the charred remains were wrapped in a piece of tarpaulin and buried in one of the craters in the yard. Subsequently, the body of Hitler was discovered by Soviet soldiers. The examination confirmed that the remains belonged to the leader of the Nazis.

Such was the inglorious end of one of the bloodiest dictators of the 20th century.
