Actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya has devoted herself exclusively to her career for a long time. Today the girl has changed her priorities and is raising two wonderful sons.

The beautiful actress Olesya Sudzilovskaya attracted men from her youth with her bright appearance and charm. The girl had several novels, but only one of them led to legal marriage. The couple decided to get married after the birth of their first child.
An unexpected twist of fate
The future actress was born into a family of engineers. The girl never thought about a creative profession. But fate quite unexpectedly pushed Sudzilovskaya to acting. While Olesya was still at school, an assistant director of a children's film came to their class to select the children for several roles. Sudzilovskaya was asked to portray the feelings of a dead dog. Coincidentally, the girl's pet had recently died, so she burst into tears. The role of Olesya was approved immediately. Then the future actress was 15 years old.
The girl liked the new experience so much that she decided to try to get a job in the theater. She did it easily. Then there was a study at the theater department and an accelerated rise in the career ladder. New roles literally poured into the talented beautiful actress. She quickly became famous and popular.

During the period of her first acting successes, Olesya also had her first love. Colleague Daniil Spivakovsky became the girl's chosen one. Sudzilovskaya fell madly in love with her chosen one and tried to be an ideal wife for him. The couple never got to the wedding, but almost immediately began to live together. Olesya came from filming and endlessly made the house cozy, cooked Daniel's favorite dishes, tried to do everything possible for his comfort. But the actor did not appreciate the efforts of the second half. The couple broke up. The break with her beloved knocked down Sudzilovskaya. She seemed to have dropped out of life for a while. The girl even needed the help of a psychologist. Then Olesya did not yet know that real female happiness was waiting for her ahead.
"Driver" Seryozha
During her next tour of Russia, Olesya decided to meet with Gosha Kutsenko. The actors were friends and often went somewhere together if they found themselves in the same city. On that day, an old Volga with a smiling charming driver drove for Sudzilovskaya. Despite the modest car and a similar appearance, the artist really liked Sergei, who took her to the meeting. Olesya even thought that it would be nice to take him with her to Moscow and get him a job.

Later it turned out that in fact the "driver" Seryozha was a wealthy successful businessman. The man liked Sudzilovskaya for a long time. When Gosha Kutsenko agreed to introduce him to the beautiful blonde, Sergei Dzeban came up with a plan: to check the celebrity with a cheap car and simple clothes. But Olesya calmly got into the proposed car and talked with pleasure with her driver, without emphasizing her own stardom.
Let's give birth to a child?
From that first meeting, the actress's romance with businessman Sergei began. The lovers met for several years, but did not even think about the wedding. As a result, the couple began to live together, but this did not push her to the registry office. One day Olesya woke up and suddenly realized that with her striving for success in her career and constant active work, she might never feel the joy of motherhood. This thought frightened the girl so much that in the morning she called her beloved for a serious conversation. The actress offered the common-law spouse to give birth to a child. Sergei agreed.
In the winter of 2009, little Artyom was born. For a while, Sudzilovskaya left her job and devoted herself entirely to her long-awaited son. When the boy grew up and got stronger, his parents got married. The celebration was beautiful and unusual. For a long time, journalists hunted for photographs from the wedding of Olesya and Sergei.

The spouses live together to this day. They rarely appear at social events, since the businessman is still not used to his wife's publicity. Olesya and Sergei also diligently hide the paparazzi and their children from the cameras. Over the years of marriage, they managed to become parents for the second time. In 2016, the couple's youngest son, Michael, was born.
From time to time, news about conflicts or divorce of Sudzilovskaya and Dzeban appears in the media. In a recent interview, Olesya admitted that she loves her spouse very much and, no matter what quarrels between them, does not even think about parting.