Vladimir Valentinovich Menshov is a Soviet and Russian actor, director, screenwriter, producer and TV presenter. He is the People's Artist of the RSFSR and Honored Artist of the RSFSR, as well as the USSR State Prize Laureate. His professional portfolio even includes an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Of course, a person with such regalia and merit cannot but be of interest to our compatriots when it comes to his income.

A native of Baku and a native of a family far from the world of culture and art, he was able to realize himself as an outstanding artist with a worldwide reputation solely thanks to his natural talent, efficiency and dedication. Vladimir Menshov is a real symbol of his era, and one can only dream of his achievements as a filmmaker. After all, all films shot by him are included in the golden fund of Russian cinema.
Public position
In order to truly understand the way of thinking and life of an outstanding Russian actor, director and TV presenter, one should get acquainted not only with his work, but also with his civic position. Vladimir Menshov is always willing to communicate with the press, which is very impressed with the army of his fans.

According to the popular artist, he is very closely following the current news and is concerned about the ineptitude of modern political strategists to professionally organize the agenda. Volodymyr Valentinovich believes that the congestion of the television airtime by Ukraine and Trump creates a certain detachment among the country's population and a willingness to receive information exclusively from the Internet.
Indeed, the news repeats each other by 90% every day. One gets the impression that journalists do not work “in the field”, but only edit the same topic. The People's Artist of Russia recalls his generation in Soviet times, when the country lived with news transmitted with unchanging pride associated with achievements in industry, agriculture, and science. At that time, the entire information space was permeated with ideology and pathos, which made the population somewhat immune to news.
But even now nothing has changed in this regard. It is even appropriate to recall the thematic epic about the view of an egg in profile. Moreover, the real life of people in no way correlates with that declared by the "zombie box". Vladimir Menshov notes that the national propaganda today about the imminent "bright future" is no different from the Soviet method of "powdering the brains". After all, the miserable salaries of the majority of the population of the state, according to its responsible representatives, simply cannot be significantly increased due to the limited resources. However, at the same time, there is a significant increase in fuel prices. And this is in an oil-producing country where the state is actively involved in pricing.
Deja vu from the news
The fight against corruption has already become the talk of the town. It was always carried out at all levels of government. And the result is known. Perhaps only the harsh regime under Stalin was quite effective in this regard. People's Artist of the RSFSR believes that the West achieved success in this regard only thanks to very serious measures taken back in the 16-18 centuries. Then the heads and limbs were cut in England, France and prosperous Holland. The people were simply frightened by the authorities, which bore fruit.

In his thematic interviews, Vladimir Menshov always said that he is against the softness of the state in his fight against corruption, which he calls ordinary theft. This position, by default, indicates that its own financial component has an absolutely legitimate basis.
Vladimir Valentinovich has repeatedly stated that the comparison of modern Russia and civilized countries with the current democratic laws is simply inappropriate. After all, our country is only at the very beginning of the path when the mentality of its citizens is being nurtured. Today, it is still very early to talk about the consciousness of the population, most of which were either brought up on the double standards of the Soviet era, or actively participated in the redistribution of property in the "dashing nineties", when theft and corruption were not only commonplace, but also the most direct tool for edifying power …
The popular artist is sincerely surprised that today's representatives of government and business are seriously trying to convince the population that billion-dollar fortunes, ocean yachts and the world's leading football clubs can be acquired by doing honest business. V. V.'s voice Menshov can in this sense be fully called "the voice of the people themselves." And this is connected not only with the righteous anger of the indignant majority, but also with the fact that the "Oscar-winning" director was never seen in vulgar wastefulness or preaching a chic lifestyle, which is common for the acting environment today.
According to the master of cinema, even during wartime in besieged Leningrad there were people who profited from the disaster of people, buying up real cultural values for a pittance and thereby making unreasonable profits. A crust of bread for Rembrandt may have saved someone's life, but the profit formula itself causes only disgust in terms of the spiritual component of such a deal with evil spirits. Menshov votes with both hands to impose confiscation of property. Moreover, he recommends introducing such a legal norm in relation to all relatives of the plunderers of national property.
Filmography of the director
Probably, many foreign colleagues of Vladimir Menshov believe that the director, whose filmography includes such masterpieces as "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", "Love and Doves", "Shirley-Myrli", "The Envy of the Gods" and "Big Waltz", is a very wealthy person. However, this did not happen. And the people's favorite does not regret it at all.

According to the most popular artist, his cash prize for the distribution of the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", which was awarded an "Oscar", amounted to about 40,000 rubles in the Soviet years. Vladimir Valentinovich still considers this amount reasonable and significant. And he calls all the unfounded claims of his colleagues in the creative workshop to wealth and fame as meaningless and empty.