Yulia Akhmedova is the only girl in the Stand Up comedy show. How much does she earn by viewing our everyday life through the prism of humor and sharing her impressions with the audience? What other sources of income does this beautiful and intelligent woman have?

Yulia Akhmedova is not just a new generation comedy artist, but also a very smart, beautiful, creative woman with an iron character. To achieve such success without possessing these qualities, according to her, is impossible. How much does the only lady in Stand Up earn?
Azerbaijani from Kyrgyzstan
We can safely say that the whole life of Yulia Akhmedova is a paradox. She is half Azerbaijani, half Ukrainian by nationality, was born at the end of November 1982 and grew up in the small town of Kant, Kyrgyz SSR.
The girl was brought up in strict rules, was engaged in ballet dancing and skiing, was absolutely in solidarity with her parents that it was necessary to get a serious profession, but in the end she became a comedy pop actress. This is what her profession would have been called in Soviet times.

After school, Yulia entered the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in Voronezh at the Faculty of Building Technologies, then in the magistracy in the direction of "energy saving". It would seem that everything went to the fact that she would become a serious civil servant or a successful employee of a large corporation, but Julia suddenly makes a choice in favor of the KVN game, and then goes to Stand Up. Another paradox? She herself does not think so, assures that all her steps in life are thought out, and decisions are made "with a clear mind."
Screenwriter, producer or comedian?
Yulia Akhmedova studied well both in a secondary school and at the university, and along the way she found time to bring joy to people - she played in KVN, first at the city, then at the all-Russian level.
In 2003, she headed the KVN team of her native university and held this "post" until 2012. New responsibilities forced Akhmedova to move to the capital. In just 5 years, Yulia managed to bring her guys to the maximum level in KVN - in the "Major League", and she herself is a repeated "KVN Girl of the Year".

In 2008, a new round started in her career - representatives of one of the major Russian TV channels became interested in her talent, Akhmedova was invited as a screenwriter to a group filming a popular youth sitcom.
Cooperation with the TNT TV channel is not only popularity, but also a fairly high income. However, such opportunities open up only to those who really have talent, and at a fairly high level. Yulia Akhmedova has both a comedian talent and a desire for career development. Few immigrants from KVN can boast of such success and demand as she is. From a screenwriter, she quickly turned into a co-producer of the most popular comedy show of a new format.
Yulia Akhmedova's fees - how much and for what?
The old format of humor is gradually disappearing into oblivion, and the visionary representatives of the new generation have already managed to occupy an empty niche. A striking example of this is Stand Up. Julia Akhmedova is a co-producer of the show, which means that her income from creativity is quite high.
According to official figures, the salaries of the leading artists of the show, including Akhmedova, are up to 300,000 rubles per performance. But the owners and co-owners of the program receive much more - their income also consists of fees for the sale of advertising time, interest on the performances of artists from the show at private events, and touring tours.

In addition, Akhmedova and her colleagues are actively developing a parallel direction - they organize contests and cuts for novice comedians of a new format, and Yulia also acts as a judge.
Akhmedova does not refuse part-time jobs either. On the official website of the comedian, you can find prices for her services in conducting private and public events, concerts. The amount starts at 350,000 rubles, depending on many factors - the city where the performance will take place, living conditions and others.
New projects of Yulia Akhmedova
Clever, beautiful, but not only. Yulia Akhmedova literally gushes with new ideas and projects. It was she who initiated the founding of most of the programs on TNT - this is "Comedy Battle", and "Open Microphone", which is called a "social lift" for beginners in the world of humor, and many other programs of the channel.

In one of her interviews, Akhmedova admitted that sometimes she sleeps 4 hours a day, that she is exhausted, but insanely happy. Work is so far the only entertainment in her life, her family, leisure and recreation. She does not like to talk about her personal life, and if she agrees to answer the questions of this plan to journalists about herself, then she turns the dialogue into a kind of farce, reduces it into a comic channel.
Personal life of Yulia Akhmedova
The artist's jokes about her personal life often become the impetus for the appearance of gossip about her in the media. Akhmedova was credited with novels and marriages with all the participants in Stand Up, to which she showed warm, but purely friendly feelings.

Julia herself says that while she is too independent to let a man into her life and personal space. She dreams of children, but is not yet ready to devote enough time to them, and she is also not ready to leave her beloved child to a nanny. And it is her right to choose herself when to get married and when to have children. And age 30+ does not frighten her yet.