Argentine tango lessons are ideal for couples who want to make their relationships more harmonious and get new pleasant emotions. However, such activities are perfect for people who care about their health. Thanks to Argentine tango, you can strengthen your immune system, lose weight, tighten your figure and even significantly improve your well-being! And healthy people, of course, find it much easier to build good relationships with their significant other.

So why is Argentine tango good for your health? They have several important advantages:
- normalize metabolism;
- increase and strengthen the immune system;
- help to correct posture;
- improve the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
- knead the shoulders, back, legs, arms, neck, which is especially useful for people who feel excessive tension and even slight pain in these parts of the body.
Please note: Argentine tango classes are suitable for people of different ages and sizes. Those who do not have special physical training will also be able to learn to dance beautifully. People of all ages come to the trainings, and they all achieve success in tango, so do not be afraid that you will not be able to master the art of Argentine tango only because of the "inappropriate" build or other similar "problems".
Tangotherapy has become so popular that even experienced doctors have begun to study it. Federico Trossero, a psychiatrist and teacher at one of the best Argentinean universities, found out that thanks to dance, people feel much better, and many of those who started learning Argentine tango were even able to get rid of frequent headaches, strengthen immunity, cope with the stress that every modern person is subject to one degree or another.
A group of scientists working at the University of Washington was able to find out that regular Argentine tango classes significantly reduced the risk of developing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and this remedy was more effective than some medications. Do not forget that tango has no negative side effects, unlike drugs.
According to the results of the experiments, teaching this dance develops mental activity, improves coordination of movements, stimulates the work of the cardiovascular system, strengthens muscles and joints. Regular training will give you and your partner a lot: they will not only improve the relationship in a couple, but also get rid of some health problems and achieve good health.
Finally, keep in mind that Argentine tango is one of the most useful and at the same time very enjoyable ways to get rid of both the excess weight itself and the problems that arise from it. Regular training results in truly amazing results. Be sure that it will be appreciated not only by you, but also by your significant other.