Recently, it has become very fashionable to use artificially aged fabrics in various interior things and toys. Vintage-styled items look like they've been stored for years in an attic or in a dusty corner of a dressing room. There are several ways to make aged fabric at home.

Step 1
Fill a saucepan halfway with water, put it on fire and bring the water to a boil. Once the water boils, remove the pan from the heat. Place 8-10 black tea bags in the water and let it sit for a few minutes for a strong brew.
Step 2
Then put 1-2 m of cloth into the resulting tea leaves and stir with a spoon with a long handle. Boil the fabric for 5 minutes, then gently transfer it to the sink. Rinse the fabric under cold running water for 5 minutes, squeeze well and hang to dry.
Step 3
Naturally brewed coffee can also be used to obtain an aged effect. To get started, brew 10-12 cups of hot strong coffee, at the rate of 1 tbsp. for one cup of water. Place a cloth (1-2 m) in a saucepan and pour over the prepared coffee. Add a little water so that the liquid completely covers the fabric, stir.
Step 4
Cook over medium heat for about five minutes. Pull the fabric out with tongs and place it gently in the sink. Rinse thoroughly under cold running water for 3-5 minutes. Squeeze well and hang to dry.
Step 5
You can also prepare a mixture of pomegranate juice or red wine and water in a 1: 1 ratio, or dilute 10-20 drops of iodine or potassium permanganate in water. By varying the proportions of the ingredients in the mixtures and the holding time of the fabric in them, you can achieve many shades of different saturation.
Step 6
To give the aged fabric a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of vanilla essence or a little cinnamon to the already prepared composition for dyeing the fabric.