In the event that a negative program - the evil eye - has been introduced into your energy, you can try to correct this situation on your own, without resorting to the help of psychics and sorcerers. This can be done with the help of energy cleansing, of which there are quite a few. It is better to choose the one that is psychologically closer to you. Here is some of them.

How can you remove the evil eye yourself
You can eliminate negative energy from your energy field using the "pumping" method. It is necessary to create such favorable conditions for yourself so that you receive and absorb a lot of positive emotions, which, by their appearance, will "remove" the negative. For this, for example, dynamic dances in a free style or physical activity, which are associated with high emotional uplift, are suitable.
You can also practice meditation, which will allow you to "cleanse" and balance your energy centers - the chakras. The followers of the Christian religion will be helped by a sincere faith in God, the use of church attributes, and most importantly, a cleansing prayer.
Regardless of which of these or other methods you choose, it is important to remember that revenge in this case will only make the situation worse. She will also turn against you. Therefore, whether you know who exactly jinxed you or not, the person must be forgiven. Sometimes it is very difficult to forget and forgive the wrong done. In this case, one might think that the person acted so out of weakness or because of ignorance.
How to remove the evil eye from yourself with the help of "holy" water
One of the best ways to get rid of the evil eye on your own is considered to be water consecrated in the church. It is recommended to always keep it at home and apply it as needed - from damage, the evil eye, for energetic cleansing of the home.
If you feel unwell, feel weak and fatigued, and things are not going well, the time has come to tackle your energy. Read the prayer “Our Father” in the morning after awakening, wash yourself with blessed water and say the conspiracy: “The evil eye, where it came from, go there and go! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen . This method is very simple but effective. You can repeat such a conspiracy as needed, until you notice that your mood has improved, and things are in order.
If you don't have “holy” water, you can use spring water or “live” water made from ice instead. Having poured it into a glass, put the water to stand a little under the rays of the sun, or “charge” it energetically, with the help of the energy of your hands.
How to protect yourself from the evil eye
In order not to think about removing the evil eye, it is recommended to take protective measures in advance. The Lord's Prayer, spoken after awakening, will provide you with protection throughout the day. Prayers to the Theotokos, Jesus, saints, guardian angel are also effective.
If you are a believing Christian, you will be helped by the constant wearing of the symbol of your religion - a pectoral cross, consecrated in the temple. If not, you can wear a protective amulet. Previously, it must be "charged", otherwise there will be no strong effect from it.
Wear jewelry made of silver - this metal absorbs negative energy. However, do not forget to rinse the jewelry once a week under a cold stream of running water to wash off all the negative. Alternatively, you can wear a safety pin pinned to the wrong side of the garment. This is also a time-tested remedy for the evil eye.
If you know for sure that you will be in the spotlight today, wear catchy and bright jewelry or accessories - they can distract unkind looks from you. Jewelry made from natural metals should be cleaned of accumulated negative energy. To do this, they must be periodically soaked in a salt solution. They are then washed and worn again.