What Are The Intellectual, But Exciting Games For The Company?

What Are The Intellectual, But Exciting Games For The Company?
What Are The Intellectual, But Exciting Games For The Company?

The exact number of children's games is unknown to modern science. Probably, every day some are forgotten and others appear, new ones, no less funny and entertaining. At the same time, there are many of those that are fun to play not only for children, but also for adults.

What are the intellectual, but exciting games for the company?
What are the intellectual, but exciting games for the company?


This game perfectly develops memory and associative thinking. You can play it with the whole family. Announce the topic. For example, sea or agriculture, etc. The first participant names a word on this named topic. The second participant needs to repeat the first and name his own, the next - the previous two, then his own, and so on. When each has said his word, the game takes turns again. The participant who gets confused in the word order or forgets a word is eliminated from the game.

Remember the details

You are the presenter. Choose something from your household item. Enter the room where the participants of the game have gathered and show the participants this object for a few seconds, and then hide with it. Participants must recall as many details as possible to describe this item. Whoever remembered more won.


Hang a piece of Whatman paper with a jumbled word list in front of the participants. Participants need to write a poem and use all the words from the list. The winner will be the one who composes the poem faster, or the one who composes the most original or most rhymed poem. However, the rhyme should contain a clear meaning.


Distribute paper and pencils to the participants. Prepare and distribute the image cards in advance. For "images", catchphrases and common expressions are suitable ("time is money", "gray gelding", "hellish torments", "small spool, but expensive", etc.). The more original and laconic the images are, the more fun the game will be. Participants are given 5 minutes to draw the "image" that they got. The winner is the one whose "image" is more likely to be solved.


Crocodile is a simple, fun game in which participants compete in fantasy and artistic skills. The task is to mimic a word using gestures. Choose by lot the one who will portray first. The participant who guesses the depicted word depicts next, and so on.

Straw Hat

The game is played by at least four, each team will have two people. If there are more participants - eight, ten, then the game will only be more fun. Also prepare cards and a straw hat. Each participant thinks out 8-10 or more words and writes them down on the card. The cards are folded into a hat. Then the time is counted (15-20 seconds). During this time, the participant must have time to explain to his partner the meaning of the words written on the cards, without naming them. The team with the most words wins. The most important thing in the game is the hidden words, and the more original and interesting they are, the more fun the game will be.