How To Develop Human Superpowers

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How To Develop Human Superpowers
How To Develop Human Superpowers

Video: How To Develop Human Superpowers

Video: How To Develop Human Superpowers

Superpowers are clairvoyance, clairaudience, telekinesis, hypnosis, the ability to travel in the astral plane, teleportation, telepathy, speed reading and other skills, as a rule, not inherent in ordinary people. It happens that some individuals have any of the above properties from birth. But this is rare. Such qualities, if desired, can be developed by any person. At the same time, one must understand that this is a complex process that requires hard work and regular training.

Man is a completely self-regulatory system
Man is a completely self-regulatory system


Step 1

Believe in yourself Faith is the main commandment of a super-capable person. You must always sincerely believe in yourself and your own capabilities, do not allow the slightest doubt in your abilities. Confidence will give you energy, calmness and good luck.

Step 2

Explore information about the development of abilities Today there is a lot of such material, both on the Internet and in magazines, newspapers and books. This information is very versatile. Browse as many sources as possible to form your own opinion about the possibilities of developing superpowers.

Step 3

Keep a Record of Your Workouts Record your “accomplishments” in a journal. This will allow you to keep a chronology of events. Later, you can compare your acquired abilities with your starting level. Recording your workouts helps you exercise regularly.

Step 4

Do not share your activities with loved ones Not everyone will approve and understand your intentions. Relatives and loved ones may be opposed, which can lead you astray. You can tell about your superpowers later, when you achieve clear results.

Step 5

Exercise regularly Only systematic exercise will bring success. The development of superpowers requires a lot of time, self-discipline and does not guarantee quick success.

Step 6

Choose a methodology For successful practice, set a goal and choose the appropriate methodology for developing your abilities. Currently, there are many schools, directions, trends and courses for the development of unusual qualities. Check out the offers of similar development centers and attend classes. But remember that there are sometimes charlatans among teachers, approach the choice of teaching soberly. Never go to extremes. Follow your path, taking in only the good. Trust your intuition!
